How many House Rabbits do you have?

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all my critters are inside... ok we have i think3 pond fish outside... thenwe have a tank of fish inside, 3birds (cockatiels), 3 dogs, and 34 buns all inside the house.
I have one house rabbit - Snowy. He was outsidewith Daisy and Buster but since his brothers died and we decided tokeep him, I've wrapped him in cotton wool ever since and can't bringmyself to put him back out. Mind you he's a very sociable little fellaand would be very impressed if he wan't inside so he could cause havokin the kitchen and chace the cats. Daisy and Buster have always bequite reserved and prefare their own company (they do however get hugsevery day and a run in the garden) I think they would rather be outside

3 mini rex rabbits; Taikai, Sotoumi (AKA "Pie"),and Kokezaru (AKA "Monkey"). They pretty much own the basement becausethe dog and the cat cannot bother them there, and they can run aroundwithout getting into anything that can hurt them. Taikai is Sotoumi'smother. Monkey is supposed to get neutered so he can hang out with thegirls, but we cannot find a vet we trust to do a neuter on a rabbit.


Taikai is the grey one one on the left. The brown one was one that Ihad before I had to sell my breeding herd. She loves Twinkies (verysmall portions and not too often to prevent problems), and she willbeat up on the cat if he pesters her. Otherwise she pretty much justoozes around. LOL. She is very lazy.

Soutomi("Pie"). All I have online is a posed picture untilI get theequipment needed to move pictures from my camera to my computer. Shelooks exactly like her mom, Taikai, now that she is an adult. Alsoloves Twinkies, but is not quite as lazy as her mom.

Whata ham! Monkey is the craziest of the three. He will do just aboutanything to keep the attention focused on him. :)