I'm bummed that no one from my side iscoming up (again!) for Christmas. God forbid they drive four hours.Well, my inlaws will be here and that'll be nice.
Steph my parents would not drive to my house be we drive totheir house. God forbid that they can not come to see me with a 15 mindrive accross the river.
You know, it must be a parent thing...my dad lives in another province,while my sister, brother and I live here in Ontario. This will be ourdad's first Christmas alone, and we all asked that he fly here to bewith us (and his grandchildren) for the holidays. He flatly refused,saying he wants to spend it alone. My sister was a bit upset, but Ireminded her that he's getting on in years, and to have to drive anhour to the airport and then fly for an hour to see us might be toomuch on him...plus I could understand why he wants to be alone, havinglost his partner (Marion) not very long ago. However....LOL...shereminded me that for Thanksgiving, when she invited him to visit herefused as well, saying he didn't want to travel. Yet when one ofMarion's nieces called a few days later and invited him forThanksgiving weekend at her house, he accepted...and drove for fivehours - in a storm - to get there. We've also invited him to come andvisit next summer, but again he has refused...yet he
isconsidering going to visit Marion's son and daughter-in-law, who alsolive in Ontario, just a few hours south of us.
And when I was married my in-laws used to do the same thing to myhusband. They would never drop in to visit us, claiming an hour's driveinto the city was just too far for them. So we always drove out totheir house instead. But then we found out that all the time they hadbeen telling us they didn't like to come visit because of the travelinvolved, they actually had been coming in to visit Bob's uncle andaunt (actually relatives of Bob's, not theirs, as Bob was a fosterchild)...and his aunt and uncle lived just five blocks away from us.
*sigh*...parents...what will we do with them? :disgust: