Hmm... This is avery interesting conversation we have here.
In regards to the original post... I agree, animals deserve respect and dignity in their lives. Whether that means being humanely euthanised when they are suffering too greatly or given a great life before they are made into hambugers, they deserve it. Humans also deserve this, and they, like the animals, rarely get it.
As for the snake thing... I have mice and rats, I know what it feels like to dislike snakes and their owners. They swear up and down rats, mice, rabbits, other "feeder" animals do not show emotions. We, as owners of these animals we consider pets, know different. How can we, knowing what we do about our animals, say that a reptile is incapable of affection? Reptile owners say they too show affection, maybe not in cuddles or kisses, but a sort of reptile form of affection. Also, most snakes WOULD die if "released" into the woods somewhere.Most are human relient at this point. Most wouldn't have a clue what to do if set loose. I cant see a domestic pet snake (as domestic as snakes can get) being any different from a domestic pet rabbit besides the qualities that they offer to their owners. I think we're running into the "OMG you feed cute mice/rats/bunnies to your ugly snake!" frame of mind. YES they are cute, but what are they supposed to eat? Nothing? You would let an animal die because you deem it not as fit as your pet of choice? How is that any different from treating humans and animals the same? Its not. Apet is an pet, whether it be cat, dog, rabbit, or snake. They should have the same value as pets, and thats all there is to that. As for them being dangerous...Raised in captivity and born there, they should be just as docile as your bunny, even more so as they dont kick you or give you love bites.Unless they are a huge ret. python, I doubt they are going to eat a dog, or atleast a large one. Certainly not a person. If we use that school of thought, why do we even have dogs? A large one could turn any minute and eat your bunny. Or your cat. Or your baby. It CAN happen, doesnt mean it is likely or will.With proper supervision and handling, snakes are pretty safe for humans. I'm just saying. And I dont even like snakes, LOL!
Edit: Just noticed the statement about pits... Not going there tonight. *sigh*