How far would you go for 1 million dollars?

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I would eat the rabbit pellets! I'm sure they aren't that bad, it's mostly timothy isn't it? The Oxbow Bunny Basics T kind, I mean.

Would you give up any kind of internet (cell phone, computer, etc) for a year for a million dollars?
How long would I have to live there? Forever? NO. For like a month? Yeah, sure, what the heck. As long as it isn't pitch black there all the time, like it is in Alaska sometimes. I'm still scared of the dark at age 22. What can I tell ya?

For a million dollars, would you give up ever being able to take any pictures of yourself or your friends or have any taken of yourself and your friends EVER again?

timetowaste wrote:
For a million dollars, would you give up ever being able to take any pictures of yourself or your friends or have any taken of yourself and your friends EVER again?

No way. Pictures are my life!

Would you camp in a haunted house/cemetry overnight ON YOUR OWN for a million pounds/dollars?
House? Yep. As long as it could be the house next to my parent's. I know that ghost and wouldn't be as scared. Not even kidding either.


Would you try your bunnies cecals to see what they like so much for a million?
Would you camp in a haunted house/cemetry overnight ON YOUR OWN for a million pounds/dollars?

In a heartbeat!

For one million, would you go rabbit hunting?
Two questions:

Would I eat my rabbit cecals?

No... I wouldn't.

Woud I go rabbit hunting?

I think I'd hunt myself first if that thought EVER came into my head.

Would you lie in a tub full of ice cubes?
For a million? Sure, I'd have so much money, I could hire someone to wear the lime green for me instead. :D

Would you try to fast for two weeks for one million dollars?
Any shade of green is my favorite.. so you need to be forkin over my million..

I think I am up to 3 million now..

Think of all the books and DVD's I could buy!!
No way! Not only do I hate tuna, I probably wouldn't be very healthy eating only tuna! Rather be poor and enjoy food than be rich and eat tuna!

Would you live in the arctic alone for a year with only the very basics to survive for a million dollars?
I'd sure love to have one million dollars, but, no, definitely not. I couldn't not ever come in contact/have buns again even for that much money. I love them too much.

Would you live by yourself (having contact with no human being) for five years for one million dollars? [You can have your animals, just no humans].
Brandy456 wrote:
I probably could.

Would you dye all your hair bright green (arm hair too, and legs, Moustache...everything)

Definatly it would wear off quickly... Besides no human would see me, with 1 mil. I would go the furthest out to the countryside I could go, with no human contact (apart from through my laptop!), and have a huge farm :D

Would you cycle 100 miles (with a break every 5 miles) for 1 million?
Would you cycle 100 miles (with a break every 5 miles) for 1 million?
Probably. Not only would I be rich, I'd be in shape. Haha, two for one! :biggrin2:

+ Would you give up your most favorite thing to do [whatever that may be] for one million dollars?

If I knew they were getting proper care and being spoiled, I'd probably bite the bullet. A month isn't that long, and I'd probably donate a lot of the money to a rabbit rescue or start one up with that kind of money!

I'm sure my bunnies wouldn't mind going on vacation for a month if they were well taken care of and spoiled :p.

Oops! Forgot a question..

Would you stop listening to music for 10 years for a million dollars?


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