i thoguht of that kind of waterer but they chew the plastic so i do a glass caserole dish i fill it once a day and they all do so good with it.
you must be having to constantly refresh the water lol i found thats what my bun did, and thats what influinced me to get a bottle for him. the second i would put a dish in there... *plop* he sits right in there. not to mention he's got a digging habbit, and where he digs is his litter box, and his poop goes flying, and sometimes right into the water dish.. so to fix both i just put a bottle in there instead ^_^... still trying to fix the digging problem though. i tried giving him sand (more interested in the box then the sand) and then a phone book (wont touch it) and a few other things. only the litter, so yea, i dont really have much of a choice but to use a bottle.Buying a water bottle was a waste of money , my bunny quickly licked the water dripping from the bottle onto the floor and since them we gave her a dish and she loves it, even uses it as her personal bathtub.