Well-Known Member
I'm interested in some feedback from people with pet rabbits when dealing with people who very openly argue that rabbits are only good for being someone's dinner. I'm not sure if this topic is allowed, but as a rabbit lover it seems there's always that one jerk that someone brings to our house party who loudly "jokes" that our house rabbit should be the "Main Course" or "Hors d'Oeuvres". I'm pretty social and insist on being polite to our house guests and I always just shrug these comments off and change the subject after (which infuriates me as I'd love nothing more than to curse them out). Why do these people feel it's appropriate to go in to someone's house and make insensitive jokes about their beloved companion animals? I'm sure there are others who have to deal with remarks such as these. What's your approach to dealing with rabbit intolerance? I'd love any and all feedback.