How do you balance kids, work, house,

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA
Maybe it isbecause I am 9-10 weeks pregnant with 2 kids under the age of 4, but Iam having a hard time keeping up with everything under theroof. Miffy does get out of the cage minimum 2+ hours a daybut if she had it her way she would also be out in themorning. I am thinking of getting ahold of the local HRS andseeing if they could find a home that has more time to devote toher. I wish I would have found out about rabbits 10-15 yearsago, before I ended up so busy. I am glad that I adopted herfrom the neighboor though, I cannot say for sure but I do not think sheever got out of the cage from Dec. to March when I got her(the landlordis treating the garage where she was for mice/rats!). I wouldlove to keep her but I also have the 2 kids (plus the one on the way),the house and a cat and dog to take care of( and myhusband!). I have thought long and hard about this and Ithink it would be best, plus they would get almost 2 full bags of woodypet, and all the other things I have bought for her, that and I wouldalso give them the outside hutch my husband made forher.
It could be just hormones. I'm 11 weeks pregnant(congrats btw!) and sometimes feel very overwhelmed with three rabbitsand two cats. I actually sat down with my husband and asked him to helpme out a bit around the house. He's good about picking up afterhimself, but you know what I mean.

I'd hate for you to get rid of your rabbits, I have a feeling you'd end up regretting it in the end.
Thanks for the congrats, (and congratsto you too!) ever since I made the decision I feel a little bit ofrelief. Hopefully the local HRS will be able to help me findher a new home. Wherever she goes, they will get all thestuff that goes with her, so I think that should help. Ithink because of my age (38), this last preg will be harderthenthe previous 3 and it will be easier knowing that Miffywill be someone who can give her more undivided attention than I amable to give.
Congratulations Hummer.Sorry to hear that you are giving up Miffy. Who ever gets herwill be a lucky person. Maybe someone on this forummight consider about getting her.

Rainbows! :)
I to know how hard it is i have 3 g pigs and 1rabbit outside in a huge run,3 daughters,2 dogs and a husband ha ha. Iseem to cope by having a routine plus my girls are at an age where theyhelp out as well and we all enjoy the animals and have quality timewith them mainly in the evening,they are never short of a lovingcuddle.Still at times it does all get two much specialey after a badday at work but some how i manage to fight through
Well, I ended up getting ahold of the local HRSand she recommended a local no-kill shelter that they workwith. Right now they are full but I am on thewaiting list. I told her all about Miffy, she is good withkids and cats, she is not a bun to be held, and I would like theoutdoor hutch to go with her. She said that should not be aproblem. If I come to find out that it is, I may put a ad inthe paper for a free hutch. After all, after Miffy is gone,we would not have a use for it. Not real sure about the HRSthough, she said that they would not take it at all. It wasweird, at first she said that they do not encourage people to bringtheir buns outside but then she said that what I was doing wasgood??:? I know they are a HOUSE Rabbit Society, but is theresomething wrong with a bunny spending the day outside if they arecompletly protected from predators and brought in before it gets darkand/or cold? Anyway, it looks like I may have her for aboutanother month or so, I guess that will be ok, as long as I know shewill eventually go to a good home, I will be happy.
Hang in there -- I know this is a difficult time for you-- butsomehow this is all going to work out.

Congratulations on your pregnancy. I am sorry to hear you have to find a new home for Miffy.

It is really hard. I just last week gave birth to my daughter and Ihave a three year old and an 11 month old, so I can understand howdifficult you are finding it at the moment. I also have 2 cats, 2ferrets, 3 rabbits and a hubby. My pregnancy was by no means easy, Iwas sick all the way through and in the latter stages I could hardlyeven move. I sometimes thought that I couldn't cope and perhaps myanimals would be better off with someone who had the energy to spendthe time they needed with them. I had my little helper (the three yearold) to help play with them and she was a godsend to me.

I know which ever you decide, it will be the best for you and Miffy and I wish you luck and hope your pregnancy progresses well!


PS-I have two of my rabbits outdoors in an outdoor hutch and they have never come to any harm.

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