Well-Known Member
Maybe it isbecause I am 9-10 weeks pregnant with 2 kids under the age of 4, but Iam having a hard time keeping up with everything under theroof. Miffy does get out of the cage minimum 2+ hours a daybut if she had it her way she would also be out in themorning. I am thinking of getting ahold of the local HRS andseeing if they could find a home that has more time to devote toher. I wish I would have found out about rabbits 10-15 yearsago, before I ended up so busy. I am glad that I adopted herfrom the neighboor though, I cannot say for sure but I do not think sheever got out of the cage from Dec. to March when I got her(the landlordis treating the garage where she was for mice/rats!). I wouldlove to keep her but I also have the 2 kids (plus the one on the way),the house and a cat and dog to take care of( and myhusband!). I have thought long and hard about this and Ithink it would be best, plus they would get almost 2 full bags of woodypet, and all the other things I have bought for her, that and I wouldalso give them the outside hutch my husband made forher.