Well-Known Member
I am sure you have had a million responses to this, and no I have not read them, but did want to add my 2cents for what it is worth. I am legally disabled due to such severe depression I am unable to hold gainful employment...
I have been seeing, talking or whatever with someonne since I was like 11....
It took me a long time for me to understand this, but really...it is not your fault or something you may have any control over.
I would suggest making an appt with a therapist first. Find someone in your insurance plan and start there. If you do not like them, try someone else, do not think you have to stay with someone because you started there. Docs are great for meds yeah...but it is the therapists who get to know you and understand you better and the suggestions they may make, might be a better educated guess, than just popping into a docs office and asking for pills....
I am a Bi-polar(manic depressive), Borderline Personality Disorder...and I have fun filled extras like PTSD, Panic attacks...and I always forget how to spell it...Argoaphic.(I get scared to leave my house at times)
Before I could come to terms with what was really going on with me, my life was a nightmare roller coaster of madness...really.
one of the biggest set offs I think people like me/us/you...have is when we start to not sleep...we will get nutty,moodier...and I do believe for a woman, our pms cycle really plays into things making it worse.
You may not need meds, just some one to talk to.
You might need both, but only for a time,
you might need both, for long term...but the one thing great about all this,...is it is all so common now,...no one really looks at you like you are crazy Cause we allz a little nutz....
So with my slight attempt at humor....please understand you have my best wishes...
Try to get some sleep, maybe some Tylenol PM...getting good sleep usually starts turning people around a bit. Find a therapist you can afford and one you LIKE..that is important...cause if you do not like them you will find over time that you are not all honest and hold things back, which could help you if they came out....
Maybe a doc and some scripts is in your future...do not be afraid to speak up if pills mess you up too much, but also know some take time to adjust to.
I was on 200mg of seroquel to help me sleep...well it worked, but I slept for 15 hours a day, got lost driving, like I didnt know how I was getting places and could not remember anyhthing...yet...come down to 100 at night and 50 in the am...and I am doing alright! Meds, body chemistry...all strange and wacky stuff...
and a side note....Chantix, the quit smoking med is known to mess people up...mess up body chemistry, create severe anger, ansgt,..etc...and interact badly with some other meds....I swear some days I think I am the only person I know who was able to take it and be ok...and quit....
Forgive me...but I have not been able to sleep too well myself the last few days and am in a bit of manic mode which leads to LOTS of typing
At least when I have a signal that is...
I really do hope you are starting to feel better, even if it is just with the support the wonderful people here at RO have so far offered you,...and know...You are SO NOT ALONE....
I have been seeing, talking or whatever with someonne since I was like 11....
It took me a long time for me to understand this, but really...it is not your fault or something you may have any control over.
I would suggest making an appt with a therapist first. Find someone in your insurance plan and start there. If you do not like them, try someone else, do not think you have to stay with someone because you started there. Docs are great for meds yeah...but it is the therapists who get to know you and understand you better and the suggestions they may make, might be a better educated guess, than just popping into a docs office and asking for pills....
I am a Bi-polar(manic depressive), Borderline Personality Disorder...and I have fun filled extras like PTSD, Panic attacks...and I always forget how to spell it...Argoaphic.(I get scared to leave my house at times)
Before I could come to terms with what was really going on with me, my life was a nightmare roller coaster of madness...really.
one of the biggest set offs I think people like me/us/you...have is when we start to not sleep...we will get nutty,moodier...and I do believe for a woman, our pms cycle really plays into things making it worse.
You may not need meds, just some one to talk to.
You might need both, but only for a time,
you might need both, for long term...but the one thing great about all this,...is it is all so common now,...no one really looks at you like you are crazy Cause we allz a little nutz....
So with my slight attempt at humor....please understand you have my best wishes...
Try to get some sleep, maybe some Tylenol PM...getting good sleep usually starts turning people around a bit. Find a therapist you can afford and one you LIKE..that is important...cause if you do not like them you will find over time that you are not all honest and hold things back, which could help you if they came out....
Maybe a doc and some scripts is in your future...do not be afraid to speak up if pills mess you up too much, but also know some take time to adjust to.
I was on 200mg of seroquel to help me sleep...well it worked, but I slept for 15 hours a day, got lost driving, like I didnt know how I was getting places and could not remember anyhthing...yet...come down to 100 at night and 50 in the am...and I am doing alright! Meds, body chemistry...all strange and wacky stuff...
and a side note....Chantix, the quit smoking med is known to mess people up...mess up body chemistry, create severe anger, ansgt,..etc...and interact badly with some other meds....I swear some days I think I am the only person I know who was able to take it and be ok...and quit....
Forgive me...but I have not been able to sleep too well myself the last few days and am in a bit of manic mode which leads to LOTS of typing
At least when I have a signal that is...
I really do hope you are starting to feel better, even if it is just with the support the wonderful people here at RO have so far offered you,...and know...You are SO NOT ALONE....