How do I know when the hormones have leveled out?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2010
Reaction score
Akron, Ohio, USA
Salvataggio will be getting neutered next week, and I know it will take a few weeks afterward for the hormones to level out. But I'm wondering, how will I know? I really want to introduce him to my other bun, but the one time that they've met (Xenos slipped out of his cage during cleaning), Ggio attacked Xenos through the bars of his cage. So I don't want to introduce him until the hormones are leveled out, but I'm not sure how long that will take, or how I can tell. Help?
I would just wait 4-6 weeks - that's the typical amount of time recommended. If he doesn't have any bad unneutered male behavior, there won't really be another way to tell.
Well, I wouldn't say that he doesn't have any bad habits... And I think some of them may be hormone related. He's an obsessive digger, a horrible territorial pooper, and he lunges at his cage is the other bun gets anywhere near him. Maybe when he stops pooping everywhere.... At least, I hope that stops after he gets fixed... :rollseyes
The pooping may not stop if there is another rabbit around. "Poop wars" are very common even among neutered bunnies. It typically stops once they're bonded though.
I just came across this post and it interests me because I've just got a new bunny. They've become good friends - they cuddle and groom each other and sleep together - but they poo outside their litter tray. They urinate in it but they leave droppings everywhere! Any idea on how to stop t?

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