How do I get my bunny to come when called? ...

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Can you whistle? If I want my bunnies attention I do a high pitch whistle and they "stand at attention."

Well. The way I see it is that if she has gone deaf, it's God's way of protecting her from the pain of the noise.


She's got You. There's no doubt in my mind that Megan could have abetter Mom in the World. No Doubt At All. There's not a Person outthere that could love her more than you do.

If she has gone deaf, no big deal if she doesn't listen, right? I mean our bunnies can hear and they STILL don't listen! ;)

I know rabbits don't like loud noises, and drumswould probably qualify as that, but I have never read or talked toanyone who claimed a deaf bunny. She should startle withsudden,loud, unfamiliar noises, like dropping a pot behind her,clanging a pot with a largemetal cookingspoon orsome such. Have you tried any of those types of noises, orare you just being a bit facetious with us about her personality?

Buck :?
Well when my brother had his drums she wasbasically in the same room as them, so it wouldn't surpise me if that'swhy she doesn't hear. She also used to have to put up with extremelyloud music from my brothers studio (ie. super bass dance music).

I tried clapping really loud and her ears moved, but she doesn't jumplike she used to. So either she is going deaf, or she chooses to ignoreevery sound we make.

I'll see what happens when we get our first thunderstorm here.

I guess I am lucky, my bun sebastian is only 4 &1/2 months old butlike tucker comes running and checks in with me when I make kissingsounds and say "come here" in a sing-song voice. I find the trick is tocall his attention, look back at him over my shoulder, make eyecontact, then walk away, -he's instantly curious and comes hopping.
I'm too lazy to walk him on a leash, so this is how I keep in touchwith him while playing outside- It's probably a bad idea to give himtoo much freedom, but so far he's been really good about it. Plus heloves to play tag, if I start running he'll chase me around the yarduntil he catches up.

lmao, ok, so here I am trying to get Mocha to cometo me so I can pat him, but no way will he come no matter what I callhim. And then, I get fed up with calling and just say "hey you!" andlook who comes running! I guess my only problem is that I named himwrong, he wants to be called hey you!

That after, I can't get rid of him. I was sitting in his run doing mysocial homework and what does he do? Attemp to steal my homework,instead he only got away with eating the corner of the question sheet,what a little brat!

My German teacher might believe "my rabbit ate my homework!" but my social teacher wont! lmao.

My bunny named Buster knowshis name and when I call him to come to me he can do it cause he issmart.

I know every thing about my bunny cause I listen to the Petshop where I got him at.
heh yah emmy is like that too..everytime we openup the fridge it comes runnig towards it and starts sniffing towardsthe vegetables section! shes always l00king for carrots!:dude:
my bun nuggets comes when i call as well asgreeting me at the door. he knows the sound of the keys inthe lock. when i first started letting him run free range inthe apartment, every time i came home before i walked through the doori yelled his name. now when he hears the lock, there he isstanding on his back legs waiting. he even knows to stay afew feet back from the door incase i swing it open fast.

-mike and nuggets
MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
My bunny is deaf.... lol. She never comes to me. She onlycomes to me when I pretend I'm dead... then she just sniffs at my faceand hops all over me, then goes backto running around theroom.... so, yeah... I dont think most bunnys come to you just bycalling them.

Your bunny is deaf too? Or is she just playing deaf? hehehe

I've never heard of another one!I've got a nuttyonenamed Pandemonium (doesn't have to hear to make lots ofnoise!). Pandemonium is profoundly deaf. She's absolutely impossible towake up! I can yell right in her face, two inches away, and she won'tmove til I poke her. Her brother alerts her to danger and treats bythumping the floor of his adjoining cage. She can feel vibrations. It'spretty cute. She's easy to catch because you can walk right up behindher, but she freaks out when grabbed because it takes her by surprise.

Oh Carolyn, I love the way you talk toTucker. I too talk to my buns all the time as if they werehuman - I think they are more human than some people I know - and Iswear they understand me. I think tone of voice has a lot todo with it as well. I had a beautiful doe ( Fudge) before Ihad Perry and Pernod and we were together most of the time and I spoketo her like a friend. When we visited the vet once, she saidthat Fudge didn't think she was a rabbit, but a 'little person'. I nowthink of all bunnies as little people!

Fudge would always come when I called her. Perry and Pernodusually do, but sometimes they ' pretend' they ca't hear me - but theyhave that 'I'm ignoring you' look on their face :D.
LuvaBun wrote:
Fudge would always come when I called her. Perryand Pernod usually do, but sometimes they ' pretend' they ca't hear me- but they have that 'I'm ignoring you' look on their face :D.
Yes, LuvaBun, I know that look well ... :X... LOL! :)
Just to butt in... the book I'm reading on bunnytraining is Hop to It by an American lady called Samantha Hunter... theISBN is 0812045513. It shows you how to voice train a bunny.

We've tried our hardest at it, but Henry just doesn't listen.Well, I tried my hardest, but my partner, Dan, lets Henry away withmurder so it doesn't work too well. I'm dreading if we havekids, it'll be "Mum can I have this?" Me: "no!""Dad can I have this?" Him: "Oh yes, of course youcan!" Which is exactly what he does with Henry,Ifeel like strangling him sometimes!

Saying that, Henry has a jar full of peanuts, sunflower seeds anddehydrated corn, which when you shake it, he comes running toyou. So that's a pretty easy way of getting him.Also tapping my hand on the floor makes him come running coz I usuallyhave a peanut under it for him.
All I have to do to get my bunnies to come to meis grab the bag of raisins. It's their FAVORITE treat, especiallyChompers. I have Abby trained to come when called, but can't getChompers to and have pretty much given up. Again, one rattle of the bagand he comes tearing out from wherever he is.

Also, I make sure to spend lots of time each day just sitting on thefloor with my buns. Or better yet, laying down on my tummy to get eyelevel with them. Abby likes to hop on my back and lick me all over,while Chompers likes to put his nose up to mine. As soon as they see mecoming, they both drop what they're doing (sometimes literally), andcome to Mommy for some loving.

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