So recently my bunny underwent a dental procedure as his teeth were quite overgrown. I think this was because of his lack of grazing on hay throughout the day, I offer him as much hay as he needs everyday but he isn’t that interested and he would rather just play in it than actually chew on as much as he should, he has toys and things he can chew and bite too because i’m trying to avoid issues with his teeth again in the future, but he won’t really spend time on chewing them rather he carries them in his mouth and runs around with it, which is insanely cute but also worrying because I want to see him biting and eating them. He has also been having some looser stools and I think that’s why, overall he’s a very happy playful bunny and he has been checked by a vet who says everything looks fine with him and told me that he may be eating too many pellets and he needs more hay. (he has the right amount for his weight daily) I’m not sure what else I can do as i’ve never has this issue with any rabbits in the past, if anyone has any ideas on how to get him interested in eating hay more and chewing things it would be greatly appreciated
Also it’s timothy hay that I use. Thank you.
So recently my bunny underwent a dental procedure as his teeth were quite overgrown. I think this was because of his lack of grazing on hay throughout the day, I offer him as much hay as he needs everyday but he isn’t that interested and he would rather just play in it than actually chew on as much as he should, he has toys and things he can chew and bite too because i’m trying to avoid issues with his teeth again in the future, but he won’t really spend time on chewing them rather he carries them in his mouth and runs around with it, which is insanely cute but also worrying because I want to see him biting and eating them. He has also been having some looser stools and I think that’s why, overall he’s a very happy playful bunny and he has been checked by a vet who says everything looks fine with him and told me that he may be eating too many pellets and he needs more hay. (he has the right amount for his weight daily) I’m not sure what else I can do as i’ve never has this issue with any rabbits in the past, if anyone has any ideas on how to get him interested in eating hay more and chewing things it would be greatly appreciated