Sometimes bunnies prefer one type of water delivery system over the other, and their preferences can change. My Tony ignored his bottle for months but now has rediscovered it and loves it. I try to keep the bottle and bowls full whenever so they can have as much as they want.
Typically, it's best for a vet to do x-rays before giving gut motility drugs because if there is an actual blockage, motility drugs can cause more harm than good--if it's just sluggish, full intestines, the motility drugs can be ok.
I would also get her some probiotic--you mentioned PetSmart above? They sell something called Bene-Bac and it contains good bacteria for a rabbit's GI tract (found in dog/cat section). It can help when there's stress or some other issue that might lead to stasis.
Do you have an idea what caused the stasis to occur in the first place? Now that she's doing better (fingers crossed), you'll want to try to figure out what caused it (illness of another sort, stress, environment change, pain from another illness, tooth problems, eating something she shouldn't have).