How did you meet your current spouse (significant other)

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Hi, I met Chris through a TelephoneDating Service.

I was 39 he was 34. On my ad I said i was looking for a "Gentleman between 35 - 45, I laughed at his message because he said he was 34 and did I mind. Well we met for dinner a block away from where I lived at that time. He was quite late, as he had to go pick up his "Corvette" ( I know it's a guy thing)to meet me in. He's lucky as I was giving him 5 more minutes and then I was going to leave.

Well we spent hours together at the restaurant (he spent a fortune that night too). I asked him he he wanted to come up for a coffee then said to him "I must tell you something" He thought ok here it comes she's got 3 kids at home. NOT! I then proceeded to tell him that I collected pigs he said SO, I said no I really collect pigs as I had them all over the apartment. His words to me when he came in is "You really do collect Pigs"

Well we dated for about 6 months and he gradually moved in, then he was totally moved in but not paying anything. So I kinda mentioned it to him and he agreed to pay half the expenses. We got engaged a year and a half after we met and then got married about a year and a half later, I was 43 he was 38. First marriages for both of us, and if I had to do it again, I'd still wait and be an older Bride.

Do I miss having kids? NO, I have my nieces and nephews, and really is their a guarantee that your kids are going to turn out to be upstanding citizens Of course not. I have my Bunnies and truly am happy with them.

I must say Chris is a wonderful man, he drives me nuts sometimes but I'm sure I drive him nuts too. He has been so understanding and supportive since the accidents. With me not working we have lost $40, 000 plus a year in wages, so he's out their working so much more now. Which gets even worse now as my wonderful Insurance Company has just cut me off completely from the benefits I was getting from them. Were fighting it but god knows how long that will take.

Eric (BF) and I met through an online dating service about 8 years ago; I was here in California - he was in Germany, so that wasn't going to work, but we kept in touch sporadically via email. A couple of years we hadn't heard from each other and he pops up again, but this time he was in Kuwait; this time we stayed in constant contact and I talked himinto flying out to CA for his vacation; that was 4 years ago and we've been together ever since; he permanently made it back to the states 2 years ago (have to admit I kinda liked the LONG distance part of the relationship, but having home full time is nice to - finally someone to open pickle jars)..

By the way I always tell people - we met at Baggage Claim at LAX.

Its funny - everyones story (for the most part) is either they met at college, or online - doesn't anyone do it the "old fashioned way" and meet each other at the Bars/Clubs anymore? LOL..
My hubby and I were introduced by a mutual friend. I lived in Colorado and our friend Dennis was my roomate. Hubby lived in California and was a long time friend of Dennis.

Dennis and I, along with however many friends we could talk into going, spent two weeks sailing in the Bahamas every winter. One year, hubby joined us on our annual trip. We really hit it off during our two weeks together on the boat.

After the trip, I returned home to Colorado and hubby returned home to California. To make a long story short, after nightly phone calls and two visits to California (the second of which I got a job!), I left my home of 20 years, my job of 11 years,my entire family and moved to California - 3 months after meeting hubby.

Fifteen years later and we are still on our honeymoon!!!
Well like others, my wife and I met while in college. Some may remember the Montgomery Ward Department store chain, well, we both were working there part time while going to school. I was in Air Force ROTC training at the time, so I had to have the short haircut, no beard etc. which was in my favor when I met her mom and dad for the first time. Her previous boyfriend had long shoulder length hair which was the style at the time, but did not please her dad.

Some guys plan out how they are going to ask their girl friend to marry them and do something romantic, well not me. We had been dating for about 5-6 months, all I remember is we were watching Saturday Night Live and the words just popped out. She didn't say anything, so I said thought she didn't hear me, at the time I was thinking did I just say that? A couple of weeks went by and no response so I didn't have a problem with it we were still dating and enjoying our time together. Then one day we had just gone out and I was pulling the car into a parking space when she said, you know if we have a daughter I want to name her Kristin and for a boy Jeffrey. So I asked her does this mean yes?at that point we were engaged.

A little over a year later I graduated, two weeks after that I was commissioned a second Lieutenant in the Air Force and two weeks after that I was married. Karen told me after we had been married for a couple of years that her mom had said to her I knew when you started dating that older man he would get serious. I am only 2 years older then my wife, gives us a good chuckle still, when I started dating Karen marriage was the last thing on my mind.

Ihave been married 24 years now to my best friend. We are always there foreach other. During all my time in the Air Force,the anniversaries, birthdays, other family events, times when she was left to carefor toddlersor babies by herselfand times separated because of deployments shenever complained or asked me to resign mycommission and leave the service. If I had to do it over again would I? Without a doubt, well I would change one thing, I would plan something a little more romantic when I asked her to marry me.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
If I had to do it over again would I? Without a doubt, well I would change one thing, I would plan something a little more romantic when I asked her to marry me.
:bigtears:Awwwww! That's a lovely story!
Totally awesome idea!

Lee and I met in tennis class at Penn State University in 1981. We were sophomores. After class, he walked up behind me and asked me if I thought we'd get any better at it by the end of the term. We talked for a while, then I left to go to work. I called my best friend and told her that I had just met the guy I was going to was definitely love at first sight for me. He asked me out for the next weekend, and 27 years and 3 kids (now teens and adults) later, we're still together.
Aww, it is so nice to hear the stories of how you got together. It is so sweet.
I am not married, don't have a boyfriend, and have not dated yet. The main reason I have not dated is because I have a loooong list of things I want in a guy and I refuse to date until I find him. Yeah, weird, but I don't get attached to people easilly, so I want to make sure I get attached to the right guy.
Anyways, at the top of my list is that he has to be a Christian. After that I want him to understand economics. I also want him to like animals, or at least understand my like of them. I want him to not drink or smoke. I don't really have very many preferences in look, except taller than me. However, I do have a type that I draw if I draw guys, so I probably find how they look attractive.
That isn't my entire list, but those are just the most prevalent. I haven't found a guy yet. Well, one matches up in all except for that tall department and I wish he was a little closer to God, but we will see. He understands economics really well, and likes my noisy dog who doesn't like most people. Unfortunatly it hasn't gotten past the slight crush stage.