With me,my love for bunnies started when we brought Lollipop home.
My youngest son Jeremy asked so many times if we could get a petrabbit,but i kept on saying no because i know my kids and the noveltywould run out and it would end up my bunny.
Well after months of asking for a bunny and me saying no,i finally gavein,i knew i would be the one who ended up feeding the bunny and justlooking after it,so i said ok..but...only if the bunny can be white andi want to call her Lollipop..i just don't know why to this day why ihad already chosen her colour and name:?,anyway we went to the pet shopto have a look and there were three bunnies in the cage,there were togrey bunnies and one little white bunny sitting there like she knew shewas coming home with us,well within 15 mins she was in the car headingto her new home.
What an amazing journey it was to have that little girl living in myhome,before she came,everything just seemed dull,and when Lollipopcame,my home just seemed to shine,sounds weird,i know.
omg,Lollipopended up to beMY bunny,she would alwayscome to me and i remember thinking ohh wow here is thisprecious little thing,and she is finding it in her heart to trust me,itjust gave me the best feeling when she would come to me or wait for mein the mornings.
When Lollipop had come to live with us i was going through a pretty sadtime,Lollipop just madeeverything seem wonderful.
My golly!,did that little girl teach me a ton of things that i justnever knew rabbits could do,that's what i mean,it was a journey tolearn,she was my very first bunny and i doted on her like crazy,i lovedgoing to buy her vegies and going home to give them to her,and i wouldjust watch her,enjoying all her vegies and then she would come to mefor a little nose rub.When Lollipop would be relaxing on the floor,iwould just lay beside her and just stare at her furry little face andthose big black eyes,i was so mesmerized with her,she was myeverything,when we were out,i always couldn't wait to get home just tosee that adorable little face.Here i was 30 years old and i was fallingfor a little bunny,she was just the most magical little bunny
She died on march 8th 04,my heart felt like it was ripped out andstomped all over until there was nothing left,i went through helllosing her,i just could not stop thinking about her,i had lostsomething so dear to my heart,i was just torn to pieces that it hadliterally taken me months to get over,the kids had never seen melooking soooo sad before,they just didn't know what to say to make mefeel better.
I have this big portrait of her that i have hanging on my loungeroomwall,it sits in a place where everyone can see her when you walk intothe loungeroom.
I believe in fate and as i look back at when we brought Lollipop home,iwas going through a pretty rough time,with a lot of tears andunhappiness but when she was here things felt different she cheered theplace up,made me forget the sad things and just taught me who i am,iknow it must sound pretty weird,but all so true.
Lollipop was just meant to be here,she was like a gift from god whoknew that there was someone that just needed a bit of loving and hesent her to me.
I will never ever forget what that little girl done to my life,ohh andthe same year she died,a few months after my eldest son Anthony wasdiagonised(sp)with childhood cancer
So it all comes down to the sweetest little girl Lollipop,who opened myeyes to the wonderful world of bunnies,there will never be a bunny thatis to far away from my life