How did you get interested in rabbits?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2006
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Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Since house rabbits and rabbits in generalaren't as common as dogs and cats, it usually takes a strange event orwhatnot to get people addicted to them. So, I thought it would be greatif we could all share our stories about how we became involved withrabbits :D

I was one of those kids who loved animals to death but was cursed witha mother who definitely didn't share that love. When I was in first andsecond grade, I used to check out books about pet care from the librarywhen everyone else got regular story books. There used to be a wholeseries, each book was about a different pet: everything from mice topotbelly pigs. I loved them. Eventually, I talked my mom into getting apet. I always thought rabbits were cute, and my mom (unknowingly)thought they were easy starter pets. That's how we ended up with ourfirst bunny, a Netherland Dwarf who lived only three years because wehad no clue what we were doing. Next, we became much more educatedbunny owners and adopted an abused Mini Lop from the HRS. He lived withus for about nine years, from when I was eight to last winter, and hedied at about 13 years old. I'm currently bunny-less, but getting onesoon!

Let's hear your stories!
Well I quit horseback riding 3 and a half yearsago when I got fed up with the circumstances. Well I was absolutelydevastated, horses were my life -- I could not live without animals.Well my friend's rabbit had anaccidental(shethought she had 3 males and insteadthey turned out to be one male and 2does)litterborn a few weeks earlier and I had fallen in love with the oddball ofthe litter -- out of nine kits, there was one little chocolatechichilla mixed breed boy. Well I convinced my friend to put him onhold for me.

I got home and convinced my dad that I needed some sort of animal so westarted on a hutch (he loves animals as well). Four weeks later Ibrought that little guy home and named him Mocha. I've had him eversince and he showed me how great rabbits can be.

After him, I thought Mocha should get a friend. So I brought home theonly little boyleft and the last of all the rabbits that shewas giving away -- Spice. He was from the second accidental litter sohe's Mocha's half brother. Ever since then, my rabbit habit has onlyexpanded but I've restrained myself to 3! But my passion for them keepsgrowing which makes it so hard to keep to only 3, LOL.

To be honest, I didn't like rabbits at all and had no interest in thembut the fact that I now had no contact with animals what-so-ever wastoo hard to bare so I settled for a rabbit and I'm so glad I did. Theyare the greatest pets ever!
We had rabbits my whole life. My dadis a huge animal lover (he currently has a little zoo going of 3 catsand 2 dogs) but we always kept the bunnies outside in a hutch.

When we were young, we took great care of them, but as we grew older wetended to neglect them more and more (and my dad got really busyworking full time and taking care of us and all the pets etc). It wasso easy to forget about them in that hutch. It makes me sick now tothink was no life for them out there :-(

When I was in college I heard of a lady who needed to rehome her bunny,and she said he was litter box trained. I was shocked! I didnt evenknow that was possible. So we took Basil in and he is the love of mylife. Max came as a mate for Basil (bc they told me he was a girl) andnow they're best buds...and as you all know, Tumnus is my crazy littlerescue bun.

Anyway, Im hooked now. I have to restrain myself every dayfrom bringing home another :) I truly cant imagine my life withoutthem.


PS..MBB, Ive always thought of rabbits as little minihorses :)
We weren't allowed dogs and we just had onestray cat as a pet, but my grandma had dogs and a bunny. I would go andstay the night at least 3 times a week just to see the dogs and bunnyand pestered mum about getting a bun for about 4 years before she cavedin. I got a black and white dwarf rabbit from the pet store when I was15 and I loved her dearly. She was the best thing that ever happened tome. Sadly she escaped and died after only having her for around a year.
We were thrusted into rabbits unknowingly.

Two years ago, we cameback from holidays tofind out that our son agreed totake care of tworabbits from two differentfriends for two weeks.We had no idea onhow to takecare of them. We weretold to feed them vegetables(carrots),fruits (bananas), pellets, andCheerios. Ifound thisforum, and started to learnabout rabbits.

On the first day we had the twobunnies together and they were humpingeach other, and we thought Oh..No! We got to keepthem separated, and worriedallthattime theywerepregnant. I made twoseparate areas in thebasement for them to stay.When the owners got backwe found out that theywere both females. (sigh ofrelief). That's how much we knew.

I spent more and moretime with them. They were so softand cuddly. I never owneda pet before. I wouldjust sit there and watchthem pee and poop all over theplace (I didn't know aboutlitter training).

When they went home,I continued to follow thisforum.I was learningmore and more about rabbits.I started to visitPet Shops and Animal Shelters.I really liked the lop earrabbits, and I wasleaning towards gettingone.

Duringmy research, Iwaslooking for Rabbit Savy Vetsin town.Whilevisiting a Vet Clinic, a doctorhad just rescued and saveda Netherland Dwarf. Thedoctor learned that I waslooking for a rabbit, so sheshowed me Pebbles.
A few days later, Pebblescame home with us,and the rest is history!

Rainbows! :D
Well, I've always loved basically any kind ofanimal. Then freshman year, I'm a junior as of today, I metanother Christina who had just moved back to California from Florida,who talked about her 3 bunnies all the time, though they were still inFL with her mom while she and her dad moved out here. Justthis summer Mr. Bullet, Mr Courage, and Oreo moved out here to sunnyCA. (The Mr's are neutered, though Oreo isn't spayed, Oreo isbonded to both boys, but the boys will fight, though they're allsiblings from 2 litters.)

Anyway, back to me. This summer I started volunteering at mylocal animal shelter, which is something I've wanted to do forever, butyou have to be 16. After seeing all those lonely bunniesthere, I managed to convince my mom that we needed a rabbit (especiallysince my brother is moving off to college next month, I wanted to namethe rabbit after him, but no such luck ;) She decided thatshe wanted a Dutch, since she'd always liked how they looked, so Isearched on the internet and found one at a shelter near us, though notthe one I volunteer at. Once we saw her we couldn't leavewithout her, and now we're looking into getting another (once shefinishes up with her baytril for her sneezing, and I get settled backinto school). Anyway, my mom seems to love little Fiona evenmore than I do, if that's possible, I just can't imagine how I gotaround without a bunny.

Of course, Christina's and my other best friend is allergic to rabbits,along with a whole slew of other things, so she's basically decidedthat we must not like her much anymore as she can't really come intoeither of our houses now, I just told her we like her house better,which is true, I get to go over there to play with her cats, dog, bird,and fish.

Now the trick we're working on is getting the dogs and the rabbit to befriends, as of yet, they haven't noticed her, silly dogs.
I've been fascinated by rabbits ever since I wasa small child, but wasn't able to have a pet for many years due toliving in apartments where few or no pets were permitted.

Two years ago I was wishing I could get a couple of pygmy goats (justwishful thinking; there are too many predators where I'm living now forthis to be realistic), and I'd Googled "goat toys." For some reason, idecided to then do a search on "rabbit toys." And was floored, readingabout playful, happy rabbits and indoor and outdoor pets. (I'd had nextto no conact with domestic rabbits, but had always been fascinated bythe behavior of wild rabbits here in the US... and wished I could getto know them.) I'd seen depressed and lonely rabbits kept in hutches,but never had considered the possiblity that they could be indoor petsuntil i stumbled across links re. toys.. so I read and read and readand...

over the past 2 years, my desire to get a dog/pygmygoat/hedgehog/something grew and grew, but a series of familyemergencies meant that I had to keep putting off the whole idea ofgetting any animal - I was gone a lot, and would have been unable tocare for a pet on a regular basis. Rabbits started to come into my mindmore and more often as potential pets. Deep down, i wanted a bunny muchmore than i wanted a hedgehog. (Though I'd still love to have a hedger.)

and then I saw this picture, and almost passed out:

6 months later, after much reading (and frustration, after finding outthat hedgehogs are illegal in my state), I adopted Nibbles from arabbit rescue organization.

And now I want more bunnies. I'm absolutely hooked, but Nibbles is ahandful, though eventually, I'd like to see if she might hit it offwith any of the available boys at the bunny shelter.

I'm fascinated by rabbits - they're charming, intelligent, feisty,affectionate, loyal, silly - and provide love and humor every day.

I couldn't have asked for a better start with an animal. (Though Nibbles isn't perfect, and neither am I. ;))
Well, my brother first wanted a rabbit and hegot Smoeky when I was two. When we moved, he started loosing intrest inher so I started feeding and cleaning her cage (probably around 5-6years old). After smokey died, I swore I wouldn't get another rabbitbut a few years later I got Pepsi :).
I will cut and paste the story I posted way back when I brought Maisie home...

Maisie's story is interesting...

A little girl at my daughter's school had two rabbits that'd had theirsecond or third litter 28 December, and had brought them to school forpeople to purchase and take home (the money was going to spaying themama). Well, I went over just to say hello to the bunnies,but had never really seriously thought about having a bunny friendbecause every one of the bunnies I'd ever looked at in pet stores hadeither been hiding or completely disinterested in me. As Ireally like pet friends that enjoy my company and love spending timewith me, this disinterest turned me off to wanting a rabbit.

So, I walked over, fully expecting to be met with the same disinterestor fear, and thought it would at least be nice to see the cutefurry bunnies.

When I walked over, I saw a completely different picture than Iexpected! The bunnies were hopping around, having a goodtime, and curious about the world around them! Turns out theywere second or third generation bunnies that were held from about twoweeks from birth (basically as soon as it was safe to do so), and weretherefore incredibly interested and in fact craved human contactand to be held. The moment I walked up, in fact, a littlegray cutie hopped right up to me in interest, sniffed my hand, andproceeded to try to climb into my lap!! Well, that was it forme! I was caught!!

Only one thing held me back...I have two cats, and thought (especiallybecause our male, Hobbes, is about 15lbs), they would make a meal ofthis adorable little furry creature. So, I made friends, heldher (which she adored...she snuggled right up under my chin and nuzzledme), and decided to go home and research it before attacking my poorhusband with the idea (who had to practically be BRIBED for him toagree to the cats, though he loves them so). I went home,read up, found out cats and rabbits are actually amazingly compatible,convinced hubby, and we went back a couple days later (when theybrought the bunnies again) and took that little gray cutie home withus!

Needless to say, I am now not only the kitty-lover I've been forsixteen years running, but I've now entered the land of bunny-loving,too! Maisie is so wonderful...she's incredibly social, got agreat sense of humor, and was a cinch to litter train! Inever dreamed in all my longing looks at bunnies in the pet stores, Iwould actually find one like Maisie (edit: and now Flower, too), thatloved and craved time with me so much! She's made a greataddition to our family, and my husband has even admitted to enjoyingher company as well! GOAL!! :)

So, there ya go...that's the story of Maisie. Flower's story can be found here:
and here:

Enjoy! :)
Well, I've always been an animal lover but weonly ever had cats and dogs as pets. Then, 4 and a half years ago myparents told me we were moving house and because they were worried Iwas upset about leaving they said because our new house had a biggarden we could get a rabbit or a guinea pig. (I actually wasn't upset,we were only moving 5 minutes away!;)).

I then did some research and decided to get a rabbit, I bought loads ofbooks on them and decided to get 2 sisters or 2 already bonded rabbitsbecause I didn't want one to get lonely. I asked one of my friends whohas rabbits where she got hers from and she told me about a rex rabbitbreeder. I went to visit him and fell in love with all the beautifulrabbits! In the end I decided to choose Ruby and Millie and I'm so gladI did! In the nearly 5 years I've had them I've learned what amazingcreatures they are, and I'll definitely always have bunnies for therest of my life!:D
My dad was in the Navy from the time I was bornuntil about three years ago when he retired. So we moved ever two tothree years during that period, which would have made it veryimpractical to have pets. Once we settled down, we decided to get pets.I was in a pet store buying some betta fish supplies when I took astroll in the small animal section when I saw the rabbits. I thought,"Hmm, they look neat," and just walked out. I didn't think much aboutit until the next week when, on a whim, I ran a Google and found theHRS website. I researched on and off for about the next year until wefinally decided to adopt. A petfinder search and several emails later,we came home with Devon and Amber.
Well I wanted a dog but my husband wanted arabbit. I never had rabbits before and he had one as a child. He had agolden dutch. I have seen pictures of him and he was a beauty. Well Ihad the day off and called a petstore. I didn't know better.We went my husband pickedone up and that wasit.Ifell for him right away. That was Ringo. The next day afriend of his surprises us with a FlemishGiant. Mind youdidn't know they got that big.They roped us in. In less thana year we now have 4.
found a beautiful black mini-lop in the tallgrasses in early spring in Lincoln parkin Chicago whenwalking my dog. She was an Eastter dump. Picked her up carried her homeand never went without a rabbit since. That was somewhere about 11yrsago
Jess_sully wrote:
I'll believe that one when I see a cow jump over the moon :D
How 'bout a small dog over a birdbath? No?

Oh...okaaaay. It all started with my daughter getting a bunnie,Benji,from her (ex)boyfriend for her 16th birthday. I wasfurious to put it mildly, but agreed that she could keep it IF SHE TOOKCARE OF IT. What was I thinking?!?!?!

A couple of months later, she called me at work and told me that therewas this little bunnie at the pet store that we just HAD to take home.Meet Brindle.

A few months later......

And so on and so on.

And JimD becomes a bunniehugger convert.

The rest of the bunnies were rescues of some sort, with theexceptionof Binkie (Valentine's Day gift for Danielle). Itended up being an issue of bunnies needing us... instead of us justwanting more bunnies.

Chippy = "Free with purchase of cage"
S'more = shelter rescue
MooShu = shelter rescue (S'more's baby)
Rosey = abandoned outdoors in the middle of winter, rescued byBuck&TheMissus and adopted by us. What an adventure that was!!
Tootsie = shelter rescue

I like to tell the inquiring minds that we only have one bunnie named:
For myself, I've always been an all-aroundanimal lover. I grew up with two older brothers (and a younger sister)but the two boys weren't the ones who would always be bringing homestray cats, dogs, birds with broken wings, toads,,that was me. My mom soon learned to check after I entered the house,for inevitably a fourlegged non-human would be right at my heels (or inmy hands, or stowed away in a pocket).

My biggest obsession as a child was horses. I lived for them. Breathedfor them. Read every book I could find on them. But I was a city kid,and not a horse or ponycould be seenfor miles. So Isettled reluctantly with the mainstream pets...a dog and a cat...and acouple of budgies that my mom had in a cage that hung in our kitchen.And that was it. At least, until one day when I was a sisterand I were walking through a mall and happened to notice some youngDutch rabbits sitting in the window...a rarity to be seen in pet storesin Nova Scotia back then. I became so excited, and ran home to ask mydad if I could get one. Of course he said no, but in all my excitementI somehow managed to convince myself that he'd said yes. So off I wentto the store while my dad was at work the next day, and I purchased anadorable little grey Dutch, whom I promptly named Brandy. When Ibrought her home my sister had a look of horror on her face. She said,"Omigod, Dad's gonna KILL you when he gets home!! He said youCOULDN'T get a rabbit, Di!" I looked at her and smiled, huggedBrandy closer to my chest and stated, "No he didn't...I heard him say Icould get one". Of course, all that confidence in my voice was onlythere - in my voice. Inside I was beginning to shake...had he reallysaid no? If so, I was in deep bunny doo, as our dad was known for hisexplosiveness if we went against his word.

That evening Dad walked in the door, and I was just about wetting mypants with fear. Turned out I didn't have to confess to getting arabbit though; my brother quickly volunteered the info ("Guess what Didid? She bought a RABBIT...and it's in her room!!!" - I could seetheglee on my brother's face as he anticipated the worst forme...shackles in the basement, bamboo under the fingernails, or perhapsexecution by firing squad.) However, my dad didn't explode. He justlooked at me, said, "Get rid of it", and headed upstairs to getchanged. Well, I'd avoided the death sentence, but was in tears overhaving to give up my beloved Brandy. But then I hatched a plan, onethat only an animal-crazy teen could do. I decided to be insidious andintroduce my dad to Brandy slowly...bring her downstairs, hold her in acuddly-bunny position, talk about how gentle she was, how much I lovedher...and you know, it worked. Within two days the monotone order "Getrid of it" turned into, "You can keep it for a day", then "It has to goby the end of the week", to finally, "Make sure that thing doesn't getout of your room". So Brandy got to stay, and I was in love.

Sadly, I lost Brandy not a month later. I found her dead on my bedroomfloor, and I wasbeyond devastated. The vet offered to autopsyher for me, and he told me that she'd been carrying a parasite thatwasn't native to Nova wherever she had originated from, thebunnies must have been infested. I was so heartbroken over losing her,swore I'd never get another rabbit. Until one day, when I was goingthrough another pet store and spotted a rabbit again.

This one was different; very unique...he looked more like a wild harethan he did a rabbit. He had a long, lean body and face, and legs thatwere longer than the typical rabbit's, though not as long as a hare's.Within 5 minutes of entering that store and setting eyes on thatamazing animal, I'd adopted second beloved rabbit. And withhim I think began the lifelong love that I now have for all rabbits...aspecial, soul-to-soul connection for these beautiful creatures.
My hubby and I were at the petstore one day andwe saw a beautiful tiny little cinnamon coloured lop girl. Iwasn't planning on a pet bunny at the time. The girl workingwith the small animals saw us looking and brought her out for us tolook at! I was held her in my arms and fell head over heelsfor her. I held her out for Tony to see and she promptlykicked him right square in the face! :shock: Hishead jerked back she hit him so hard!:D I was inlove!:D We brought our baby Butters home thatday! It was a while before Tony would put his face anywherenear her...but she was a total daddies girl and he loved to give herkisses and she would kiss him right back! When she diedsuddenly in October of '05, we were devastated.:( We felteven worse when we found out you could have more than onebunny.:( The books we had read said they would kill eachother, so we never tried to find her a friend.:( We learnedalot from her and when we found 2 little lionhead girls who were sickand ignored at a different petstore...we scooped 'em up and broughtthem home too! The rest is history.:) I can'timagine this home without a bunn or 5 hopping around! I thinkmy hubby and I will always have bunns! I wish we'd realizedsooner what great friends they are!:D

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