Well-Known Member
Since house rabbits and rabbits in generalaren't as common as dogs and cats, it usually takes a strange event orwhatnot to get people addicted to them. So, I thought it would be greatif we could all share our stories about how we became involved withrabbits 
I was one of those kids who loved animals to death but was cursed witha mother who definitely didn't share that love. When I was in first andsecond grade, I used to check out books about pet care from the librarywhen everyone else got regular story books. There used to be a wholeseries, each book was about a different pet: everything from mice topotbelly pigs. I loved them. Eventually, I talked my mom into getting apet. I always thought rabbits were cute, and my mom (unknowingly)thought they were easy starter pets. That's how we ended up with ourfirst bunny, a Netherland Dwarf who lived only three years because wehad no clue what we were doing. Next, we became much more educatedbunny owners and adopted an abused Mini Lop from the HRS. He lived withus for about nine years, from when I was eight to last winter, and hedied at about 13 years old. I'm currently bunny-less, but getting onesoon!
Let's hear your stories!
I was one of those kids who loved animals to death but was cursed witha mother who definitely didn't share that love. When I was in first andsecond grade, I used to check out books about pet care from the librarywhen everyone else got regular story books. There used to be a wholeseries, each book was about a different pet: everything from mice topotbelly pigs. I loved them. Eventually, I talked my mom into getting apet. I always thought rabbits were cute, and my mom (unknowingly)thought they were easy starter pets. That's how we ended up with ourfirst bunny, a Netherland Dwarf who lived only three years because wehad no clue what we were doing. Next, we became much more educatedbunny owners and adopted an abused Mini Lop from the HRS. He lived withus for about nine years, from when I was eight to last winter, and hedied at about 13 years old. I'm currently bunny-less, but getting onesoon!
Let's hear your stories!