My first rabbit as an adult was a flemish giant. We're a family who is into puns...and I thought "it would be fun to play on his name". Sine he was black, I thought of "Jack" or "Magic" but then decided on the perfect name for a huge bunny..."Tiny". We would often show off Tio and Kyo - our nethies that we got at the same time - and then say, "Wanna see Tiny?" and people would expect this even smaller bunny - only to have us bring out this 18 pound black rabbit.
Puck got his name cause he was a holland lop who had a "trickster" personality sorta.
Our first lionheads were brother/sister and she was a light brown so she was "Ginger Spice" and since he was white - he was "Sugar Bear".
We've named rabbits after characters on TV shows (Jeb, Leo, Bruno and CJ after West Wing characters, Crowley, Castiel, Sam and Dean after Supernatural characters, etc) - we've named them after Texas cities (Dallas and Austin)...and then we had our "gods" of Hermes, Mercury, Athena, Sophia.
I hate naming animals - it's hard for me. We got some prairie dogs a few months ago and "Scrit" and "Scrat" were obvious names for the first two boys but when we added another boy a month or so later - that was really hard. We finally realized that he liked responding to names that had an "F" or "PH" sound at the front - so he became "Finley" or "Finnster"...