Even though I grew up on the East Coast and wegot lots of snow in the wintertime, and now live in Ottawa - where weall live in igloos and use sleddogs to drive to work (bugger of a timerotating the tires!) - I still think that anything below bikini weatheris just
too danged cold! Give me warmth, sunshine, and lots ofgreen and I'll be happy as a Raph in poop (see Raph's blog tounderstand that referral).
One summer a few years agoI was sent to NC with somecoworkers to attend a course, and whilst there the temps skyrocketed.We were staying on the campus at Duke U., and decided to rent a car forthe remainder of the week...so off we went to the dealership, having towalk as it was a Sunday and bus service was pretty abysmal. The walktook us about an hour, and by the time we got to our destination Iswear, the other three women looked like melted popsicles...they wereall beet-red, perspiration pouring from them, clothing soaked, huffingand puffing...while I was happy as a clam, saying, 'Oh wow...look atthat old house!' (I love Victorian architecture)! 'Look at that tree!''Isn't this street beautiful? Let's go check out this road!' (If youever want to know what a truly evil glare looks like, justpitch some of these comments at 3 overheated, exhausted middle-agedwomen and watch their faces...not a pretty sight.) I love the heat,thrive on it, while the cold weather makes me want to hibernate for theduration of our annual mini ice-age here.
(And speaking of weather...for anyone concerned with the global warmingissue,check out Al Gore's documentary, 'An InconvenientTruth'. It really is an eye-opener.)