how can you get rid of an odour

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

i have a problem with lucys cage not just her new onethis happenrd with her old cage as well

ive noticed a kind of hamster smell in the house even though she#s a bunny

can i have some suggestions to either combat the odour

or to put something in her water to control the smell varna xxxx

I pour straight vinegar into the cage and let it sit. It removes all the stains too.
For carpets, I use Nature's Miracle,where you just spray it on and let it dry.

Rainbows! :)
Yes you can. I use it on the woodenshelves. Wood doesn't always clean as completely, but sincethe cage is new it shouldn't be to much of a problem.
I have always used vinegar...wood, plastic itworks great on both, for all small animals (ferrets, rats, rabbitsetc!) Hope you can remove the odor!
My mum suggested bicarbonate of soda and itworks. I sprinkle a thick layer of pawder in the hutch, leave for aslong as possible to soak up the liquids and smells and vacuum off. Itworks fine and is cheap too.
That's baking soda, right? YEAHthat stuff works WONDERS in so many ways!! We put some in thekitties' litter (and it helps absorb odor), we add it to the laundry,we add it to cleaning solutions, etc.

The only reason I haven't thought to use it in the bunny cages isbecause I thought there would be some residue left behind and worriedhow that would affect Maisie now that's she's gotten in to eatingEVERYTHING she can find. :)

parsnipandtoffee wrote:
My mum suggestedbicarbonate of soda and it works. I sprinkle a thick layer of pawder inthe hutch, leave for as long as possible to soak up the liquids andsmells and vacuum off. It works fine and is cheap too.
Vinegar andbaking soda are probably the closest things a rabbit owner can get to atrue miracle product :bunnydance:

Today, I emptied out all the litterboxes (cat and rabbit alike), pouredenough vinegar to cover the bottoms, let it sit for a few minutes, andrinsed them. Most of the urine stains and smells were already gone, butI also scrubbed the boxes inside and out with a baking soda/watermixture, and now they're squeaky clean. Love it, love it, love it.

Here's another cleaner that I use all the time, and it REALLY takes care of odors:

4 cups water
1/2 cup vinegar
20 drops lavendar essential oil

Mix all ingredients and use in spray bottle. The vinegar dissolves mosttough stains and odors, and lavendar e.o. has antibacterial properties,in addition to a soft, pleasent smell.
Hi varna !

~I use a 50/50 mix of water and white vinegar in a spraybottle....spray enough on the area to be cleaned...and then use a dampcloth to wipe it down. Repeat if necessary.

The vinegar smell will go away after a little while. I usually put thesleepy boxes/resting boards in the sun to dry for a while befor puttingthem back.

The buns areall litter trained so I don't have to clean thewood items very often. Mainly litterpans and drop pans. After sprayingthem with vinegar I wash them with hot water and Dawn dishsoap...rinsewell...dry.

You could also put a layer of baking soda in the bottom of the litterpan...under the litter. You still have to keep everything clean, butthis can help with the day-to-day odors.

Remeber, it's getting to be fly season so we want to keep EVERYTHING extra clean to prevent flystrike, too.



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