How can people be so disrespectful?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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, Wisconsin, USA
I cannot believe how some kids talk to their parents! It's unbelievable! They will get mad at their parents so quickly over stupid things. Why don't you at least LISTEN to them? A lot of teens always say "They don't know and don't understand." And actually, they do. I used to say that myself but I've realized they DO understand and most of time they do KNOW! Can't you have some respect for them? Seriously! :grumpy:

Ugh, it just bugs me sometimes.

Isn't that part of being a teen? It doesn't help that my teenage nephew and nieces have every reason to disrespect their mother. Heck, I disrespect their mother.

When I was a teen I respected my mom, still do. She's awesome. My dad, on the other hand...
I guess sometimes there is also a reason why the person is not getting respect/may be some sort of issue that might cause behaviour like hat and that's not necessarily clear to anyone on the outside.

Having said that though, it can be hard to witness something like that.
At this point, very few television programs model respectful behavior toward adults. If they also aren't seeing their parents respect others, then they have nothing to go by. It's age-old though...this lament that the kids coming up are disrespectful. :) You can find it in ancient writings, too! hehe
My boyfriend's brother is disrespectful to his mother.

But, sadly, at the same time, she is very disrespectful to him.

It by no means justifies the way he talks to her, but his mom only communicates by yelling at everyone. So people yell back.

I got so sick of it one time that I told them all that they have no idea how to communicate with each other and nobody respects one another.

Sigh, I don't get it sometimes :/
I'm not very respectful to my parents when I'm mad, like I'll then them to f off and I'll give back cheek but it's their fault for making me mad, when I'm not mad I don't disrespect them.
They wouldn't tell me to f off but they would give cheek to me too lol.
I have something to add to this:

My History teacher has gone on maternity leave and she was one of the best teachers we ever had, even all the naughty people in our class respected her and talked to her like she was one of us and she talks to us like adults. She really was very nice, but now becuase shes gone to have her baby we have this other teacher - she is also nice but everyone is so horrid to her!! I really just want to tell everyone to shut up and leave her alone, obviously I wouldn't but I wish I could!! Everyone has just completley changed their attitude! Also this teacher doesn't have a tv - I don't mind that in fact I think its great!! But other kids just dont seem to understand that she isn't a wierdo for not having a tv and that she bikes to school. Also she was off the other day so we had a sub and today this really annoying stupid boy called Martin said 'it was so much better last lesson when miss wasn't here' and i wanted to go and thump him. How can someone be so mean? To be honest our class isn't the best (its mixed abiltiy) they are rude and alot of them do drugs and have sex etc which is scary at my age I know. I just don't understand how they can be so disprespectful to a teacher!! :(
Becca wrote:
I have something to add to this:

My History teacher has gone on maternity leave and she was one of the best teachers we ever had, even all the naughty people in our class respected her and talked to her like she was one of us and she talks to us like adults. She really was very nice, but now becuase shes gone to have her baby we have this other teacher - she is also nice but everyone is so horrid to her!! I really just want to tell everyone to shut up and leave her alone, obviously I wouldn't but I wish I could!! Everyone has just completley changed their attitude! Also this teacher doesn't have a tv - I don't mind that in fact I think its great!! But other kids just dont seem to understand that she isn't a wierdo for not having a tv and that she bikes to school. Also she was off the other day so we had a sub and today this really annoying stupid boy called Martin said 'it was so much better last lesson when miss wasn't here' and i wanted to go and thump him. How can someone be so mean? To be honest our class isn't the best (its mixed abiltiy) they are rude and alot of them do drugs and have sex etc which is scary at my age I know. I just don't understand how they can be so disprespectful to a teacher!! :(
It's the same in our school too, we had this business teacher thay loads of people were really mean to and then the teacher started to go really weird, and then one day she was gone, they won't tell us what happened to her or anything, we are just being past from sub teacher to sub teacher for the last three months.
Teachers have to earn respect, they REALLY have to earn it and work hard to get it and keep it. Subs don't have that time or chance to earn that respect or get it, and it would take a lot for any sub to be able to actually work through that and gain respect when the class are up in the air and unruly.

Some teachers do just not have good behaviour management or presence, but others do. I know I did, it was a strength of mine (identified by my tutors), but the reason it was a strength was because I respected each pupil, and I was consistent, and they knew exactly where they stood with me.

There's no way in thr world that would be a strength of mine in secondary school though (and yes, I did do some secondary teaching) because that takes a whole different outlook, but with primary, some are excellent, and some are just not.

I often feel sorry for teachers with classes like that, but only when they haven't brought it on themselves.
My business teacher that went missing is the type of teacher that when the new class comes into her classroom, they just know that can take the mickey and get away with it, when I first started in secondary school and walked into her class everyone started straight away.
Unfortunately, I don't think kids realise what they do to teachers when they behave like that. I know we never did. Although I was definitely not one of the worst culprits, I had my moments in biology (because he seemed to have some sort of vendetta against me, and I reacted to that by causing almighty chaos, lol).
I guess I'm really really lucky after reading this discussion. My twins were never disrespectful to us when they were teens. We had disagreements at times - yes. We still do to this day.

But they always treated us with respect as their parents and I've got to say that my twins (who are now 24) are among my best friends and we love to be together.

I loved the teenage years (mostly). We could talk about adult things on a more mature level.

I think it is rude and disrepsectful to "f off" to anyone and it builds bad habits for later in life - like what if you have an employer who tells you what to do and you don't want to.

I have a lot of other thoughts but they're way way too conservative to put on this board.

By the way - I have seen parents I don't have respect for - and I know parents aren't perfect. I know Art & I weren't perfect.

But if I could go back to the teenage years again with my kids - I'd do it in a heartbeat - they were among my favorite years.
I only say it to them when I'm really annoyed and angry with them, and that's not very often, other then that I get on good with my parents, it's not like I'm constantly telling them to f off all the time lol.
irishbunny wrote:
I only say it to them when I'm really annoyed and angry with them, and that's not very often, other then that I get on good with my parents, it's not like I'm constantly telling them to f off all the time lol.

Honestly, you should never tell them that. Even when you are really mad! that's not only disrespectful and rude - it's very immature. Bad words don't make anyone look tougher/smarter. I actually think a teen using that type of language seems very ignorant.

I know kids smart off.... it's part of life.... but it doesn't have to be so rude!

If my kids said that to me, I'd have a hard time not smacking them (which isn't right either) and I guarantee they'd lose everything other than their bed, clothes, food, and schoolbooks!

Elf Mommy wrote:
At this point, very few television programs model respectful behavior toward adults.

I walked into Subway the other day and their TV was cussing away. It's saddening - TV has gone to the extreme, and even worse (IMO) that it is allowed in public places.

I am far from perfect in my speech, but still!
Leaf wrote:
I am far from perfect in my speech, but still!
Me either lol!

But, there's a big difference between swearing in general, and swearing AT people. I mean, I might say something bad if I was to drop something, etc etc, but I would just never use it as verbal abuse to someone. I wouldn't take it if it was said to me, so I wouldn't say it to someone else.

I certainly was no angel (well, not really lol) when I was a kid but I would never ever have spoken to my parents like that. Not even now. And we have had some almighty rows in the past as well. It wasn't because I was scared of what they woud do to me either- it was because they're my parents and they don't deserve to be spoken to like that.... (Even if I did find my dad VERY difficult to get on with- and he admits he's very stubborn and flies off the handle sometimes lol)

I think that it's quite often used by people in a temper/argument to try and look clever or something, but I think that people don't often realise that it doesn't get them anywhere- doesn't get the point across or get people to understand where you're coming from- it just makes them mad/upset etc....
Oh, my mouth can turn a cussword, but the fact that people are so uncaring as to what they say and do anymore!
I think that things can go two ways. I have always respected my parents, but they have always respected me and treated me like an adult. I think I have maybe got into a fight with them once in the past two or three years, and that was during finals when I was stressing.
However, when parents don't trust their kids or are not choosing their battles, then things can get out of hand. On the other hand when the parents try to "act cool" then they also lose respect. It is a balancing act.
It is for kids too. You respect your parents and they will be more likely to respect you.
I think that I am the one in control of my actions so even if someone isn't deserving of my respect I can show them respect even if I don't feel like it. It generally doesn't faze them, but it makes me feel better about myself because then I am being the bigger person.

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