how can i keep my rabbits cage from stinking?

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thanks pamela!!

and thank you everyone!

im going to start cleaning out the cage every other day. and start sprinkleing some baking soda in it aswell.

any tyoes of cleaners that are pet safe im going to try. and im thinking about possably litter box training her soon.
White vinegar chemically neutralizes the caliciumcarbonate residue from rabbit urine. Soak area with vinegar,let it sit a while, then rinse. :cool:

Squirt some minty breath spray afterward, if you think it addssomething. Plus, you can use the vinegar in your cooking andsuch. ;)

Buck :D
hewo Buck,
Here are the ingredients 4rm my vanilla exctract will it be safe togive to my bunnies?:
Water, alcohol (?), sugar, vanilla bean extractives.

That s it. Is one tsp ok?

wuv 4rm
Loz n the bunnies

PS do you reckon mint or almond would work?

One teaspoon per gallon or 1/4 tsp per quart ofdrinking water, Lauren, and you should be okay. Interestingquestion you pose about mint or almond, to which I do not know theanswer. I guess one would have to test it on live bunniesand/or live flies, eh?

This fly strike is what happened to my bunny, Ididn't even know what it was until I read this post. My bunny was beingeatten alive by maggots, I took her to the vet and he had to sedate herand clean her all up. She is healing now, and doing muchbetter. I think the biggest culprit of this was her stoolswere to soft, but with thesuggestions of CarolynandBuck,Grunter is on her way to recovery.I amdefinately trying the vanilla in the water to keep the flys away fromthe stools. Thks everyone.

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