I voted Calm and Content, especially after Hazel got better just in time for Christmas

Had a nice Xmas Eve, we invited a friend who lost her husband this year, so she wouldn't have to be alone her first Xmas eve without him. Played some games, watched a movie, it was fun.
Xmas is always just a quiet family day here, my relatives live in Europe, my husband's in the bay area, so it's mainly just us... enjoyed opening presents, and enjoyed Hazel being her loving self again. Plus she sat on my lap for a whole 30 minutes, something she hardly ever does. :biggrin2:. I think she likes my new super soft and cozy robe :biggrin2:.
Oh and ofcourse, my oldest daughter and my son are home from college, that's a gift too
And don't worry Bo, our house is never spotless, don't sweat it and just relax

. (Can anyone with Buns have a spotless house, ever? Can't remember a day the last 5 years I didn't have hay or "bunny berries" or bunny hair lying around.... they seem to magically appear not 5 minutes after cleaning LOL)