How About Your Rabbit's Nicknames?

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Ty-bee wrote:
Mr. Peabody is a bunny of many names. Itdepends on what he's doing. Here are a few:

Mr. P, Sweet Pea, Pretty bunny(his fav.), Pea, Peabody, and NO!! Bad bunny!!
Mr. Peabody is such a cute name and an adorable bunny. Have youposted an enlarged picture of him on the"blow up youravatars" post? I'd love to see that little man in a big picture.
I knew what hasenpfeffer was! lol, I understandhow she got that spelling from it though, the German language andletter pronounciation is so different! A is "aw", E is "eh", and I is"e". Such a confusing language! lol.
angie has a few of her own already.

little monkey, when shes exploring couragesly. rat face when she tucksher ears all the way behind her head or is being troubelsome. bun bun,angie baby, critter bitter, cutie pie and sweet pea, when shes beingadorable. bunchkin, for bunny munchkin. also binky bunny when sheshappy. im sure im missing some. i hadnt realized she had so manyalready :shock:

oh yea, also, little monster and ****ie, not like ****, but like a russian bubooshka (??)
hey there,
My rabbit Orion, his nickname is Rye-Guy and Jelly Belly(hehasa bit of a tummy but its sooo cute hehe)...and before myother rabbit Kaytie passed away my family and I would always call herLil Bunny Girl and sometimes Sweet Girlcuz she was! Before Igot Orion his old owner called him Raveoli since he looked likesomething you could eat:?
My nickname for Pepper is Pepperpooh,I was theone who started calling him that and my husband was wondering why Icall our Pepper with Pepperpooh.I told my husband Pepperpooh soundscute.My husband decided to also call him Pepperpooh,I guess he got usedto me saying it all the time.
AndI thought my bunnies' nicknames were unique!

BlueBelle:Blue, Princess, Nelly,Hope, and Baby Girl

CupCake: Fruit Cake, Cutie Pie,Kelly, Mun-chin-chin, and Faithie

Those are my Binky Girls' nicknames. They pretty much respond to all of them,weird huh!?


My two rabbits' names are Vincent and Louis, butI usually address them as Bunbun, Vinny, Louie, Baugh! (A noise similarto Louie's honk that me and my sister make), Stinkies, and "SillyRabbits!".
puppies piggies squirrels puffins beavers, meatloafs, munchkins


horny girl, sex bun

pumkins, skinnygirl, fatgirl. littlegirl, biggirl, crazygirl

puppypoo, poopyhead, poopygirl


gigi, gingy


Trixie's nickname is Trix. I also call her moreembarresing things like Trixie Baby Mine, Baby Mine, and say morestrange phrases similar to thos to here! She is just so CUTE! :D

Her full name is Trixie Raven And my last name her which I'm NOT giving out ;)

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