House Rabbit Society launches new website (2024)

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Mar 20, 2012
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Arizona, USA
I just stumbled across HRS' website that has been revamped and re-done. It is same link) but they seem to be calling it Foundation.

One of their board members is Marinell Harriman (author of The House Rabbit Handbook) and she has numerous articles on the site. (I bought her book back in the late 80s!)

I'm guessing this means that many prior links to specific articles will have changed. Just a heads up.
I'm hoping this new layout makes it easier to find the health articles I regularly reference to in my health posts. The last revamp I didn't like at all, as it was hard to navigate and find what I needed. I always had to do it through google.

So far, I'm not feeling very hopeful. The vet list is no where to be found. Or at least not easy enough for internet challenged me to find it. Hopefully they're still ironing out the kinks and it will pop up in there sometime soon.
I'm hoping this new layout makes it easier to find the health articles I regularly reference to in my health posts. The last revamp I didn't like at all, as it was hard to navigate and find what I needed. I always had to do it through google.

So far, I'm not feeling very hopeful. The vet list is no where to be found. Or at least not easy enough for internet challenged me to find it. Hopefully they're still ironing out the kinks and it will pop up in there sometime soon.
Transferring from a WHRS Facebook post.

There have been some major changes happening in the past year concerning the national House Rabbit Society. They have changed their course and are now focusing on rabbits in their own area only.
They will no longer be helping rescues or shelters anywhere else. They have their own shelter (and vet clinic) and will be focusing on that. All donations they receive will go to help rabbits in their area only. They have created their own website.
Please see Dana's post below for clarification of what has happened.<<,P-y-R

Dana KrempelsHouse Rabbit Society

· is NOT disappearing.
Many of us have received emails and messages saying that the URL/website will be "disappearing" on January 1. This is not true.
The original House Rabbit Society (based in Richmond, CA) will be changing its URL from to on Jan 1, 2024.
The URL will be the home of a new rabbit site organized by Paige Parsons with the blessing of Marinell Harriman, the founder of House Rabbit Society. Paige has said that she will be using Marinell's writings as a basis for the new
So you might NOT want to necessarily change your bookmark from to Just add a new one for the Richmond House Rabbit Society (
This has been a public service announcement.
An older thread, but I'm glad it was bumped -- I missed it the first time around.

Their state vet listings look expanded, but the map isn't working for me. (Internet phone users have made web design difficult and everyone tries to do a one-size-fits-all approach... to no one's benefit.)

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