TinysMom wrote:
hat as I've shared...I'm not against cross-breeding - have done it myself - and will probably do it again for lionlops since I do get people asking for them a lot.
Now...sorry for my ramblings - back to the topic as it was meant to be discussed...
I don't know if she will com eon and join. i will ask her. She says she gets a lot of lion head breeders that take a second look at her jersey whoolies that end up with thicker ears, etc. maybe she will let me copy her message here.
The f1's shown at nationals do bother me. Esp when you know the person doing a cross like is only doing it so they can have an easy win(without naming names here). There is one person in my breed that does this, and rabbits bred down from several generations that are still line bred out of that crossbred line have nice type, but no coat.many of the older chin breeders refuse to purchase from that line. Those that have done so have had problems with it. I am currently helping someone that has *that line*, plus mine. Since mine will be cross bred to theirs to improve hopefully it will help them out. They didn't even know the rabbits they purchased were crosses. they are probably going to get ghost chins, and white rabbits somewhere down the line, and lots of them. Grrrrrrrrr. I have a feeling its going to come to a point that the new, and the old lines can be bred together, and i hope it benefits the breed in the end, and not the other way around. i don't have a problem with f2's and 3's as long as the bunny looks nice, and meets the standard. and the animals were used for improvement purposes.
Nope not against crossing either. If you do it its best to have experience, or have someone else that does help you out.
Not just jump the gun and go cross a standard chin to a florida white so you can have an easy win at nationals.