Horrible, Horrible Night

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Wow that would be so scary! I am glad you found her and she is doing okay. I hope she heals quick!
I am so sorry, Cait. Alicia told me about this earlier, but I am now just able to post. Please update us when you can...we all worry!!

*:hug: to you, your wife, your son, and your doggies*
Oh wow. I'm glad you went looking for her! I can tell from your post how much you love her. I will be thinking of you guys.
How terrifying for you to go through all of those emotions in split seconds. Thank goodness you knew her exact driving route!!! I don't know how I would have done in such a situation, but you absolutely saved your wife's life! Good job trying to stay calm enough to do the right things.

Your son sounds like such a little sweetie. :inlove:Bless him and all of his wonderful questions. Keep us posted on your wife's progress.

I'm sorry for the lack of an update guys, but here we go.

She is home now! The CT this morning was clear but they said to keep an eye on her for the next 48 hours, and after that she should be totally out of the woods. They also lectured her about her seatbelt, because apparently concussions are accumilative, like once you get one, it becomes easier to get another, and so on and so forth. I didn't know that. And frankly this was the least most harmful thing that could have happened to her without her seatbelt on in a crash. I will now be known as Seatbelt Nazi. I knew she didn't wear a seatbelt normally when she drives by herself, especially when she's tired because she says it's easier for her to move around and stay awake. Well no more of that!

She also remembered what happened. Apparently there was a dog in the road and she swerved. She was on a gravel road and she swerved. She's lucky she didn't roll her freaking car! That's like number one "something runs out ahead of you" rule. You slow down, you don't swerve! This is rural Iowa, there are deer everywhere. EVERYONE has that drilled into their brain.

Anyway. It happened and it's over with, thank god. Hard lesson but a lesson learned.

We've been in bed all day and I haven't left her side. She's still kind of sluggish and has a headache, but they said that was normal. She's in a sling because of her collarbone. And it's her right side. So no anything for her for a bit. They gave her some of the high dose ibuprofin for the pain, but she says it really isn't a big deal. Probably because she has a pain reliever, haha. She's stiff and sore too. Good thing is, that beautiful face did not require any sutures for her lacerations. She looks like someone beat her about the face for a few hours. Poor baby.

Her mom and sister came over earlier and you'd think I'd let her do this and shoved the dog in the road the way her mom was acting. Your grown daughter, her own choices. No one did this to her. *grumbles*

Tanner is fine today. He's been really quiet (what?!) and gentle. I kept him home from school today (mostly because we were up really late) and he went with me to pick her up. He was just in awe staring at her all the way home. I guess she does look a bit scary and he can obviously tell she's not feeling like herself. But she talked with him and had him smiling by the time we got in the door. He's been super cuddly with her and has been wanting to just be with her. Which, is so nice. They are close, but I wouldn't say they had a really awesome tight bond, like he has with even John. So it was kind of nice to see him like this with her, and I know it meant a lot to her too.

John has been calling the car people and dealing with that mess. The car is probably going to be totaled out. Goodbye, Lexus. It was nice knowing you. Not that she will be driving any time soon, but. I figure at least we have dad's truck in storage, John can drive it around if he needs to and we can use the Jeep and Malibu for stuff. But hopefully we can start looking for a new car at some point soon.

As for me personally I am fine. I am so glad to have her back home and that she's going to be fine. It could have been much, much, much worse.
I'm glad she is better. That is an unbelievable story, Cait. I'm so amazed that you found her and rescued her! Your bond is so strong, it almost sounds like she drew you to her. :) I wish her a swift recovery. :hug:
The thing is... I wouldn't have gone looking for her. I wouldn't have, that's just not what would pop into my mind. I would normally have just kept calling, until it was a lot later. But it was really cold last night for September, cold enough I had to put on a hoodie to let the dogs out not too long before I started worrying. And I remembered that she didn't take a jacket or sweatshirt, and she doesn't keep one in the car. And she had a tank top on. I remember arguing with her about it that morning, because I told her it was going to be cool out and she said she would be fine. It was a thin one, one usually you'd wear in summer, nothing thicker than a regular bed sheet and it had spaghetti straps. It was basically nothing. I just figured she'd broken down since the Lexus is not that reliable and it'd happened before. I pictured her standing on the side of the road in her tank top and freezing half to death. So I went.

I just want to thank you guys for being so caring, and all the hugs... It really did help. I was so afraid... I never, ever want anything to happen like that again. I'll probably never get those images out of my head. I look at her and I just... I'm so thankful nothing worse happened.
Caitlyn you tell your wifey she's lucky she doesn't get a chewing out from me. I've been wondering why you weren't on all afternoon.
I'm so sorry...I just read all this. I'm glad she's ok. And like you, I never drive out to look for anyone cept once with my sister for a friend who wrecked...he didnt know where he was just somewhere on the highway. It's so scary...she's super lucky you found her.
OH WOW what an ordiel this has been for all of u, so sorry 2 hear this happened but thank God all is getting better!!!!!
She was admitted back to the hospital this morning. Around 6:30am or so she came out to the office and told me she had thrown up, and she didn't feel "right". Then she threw up in the office. Away to the ER we went, and they readmitted her. Another CT revealed a subdural hematoma ( a hemmorage between the dura and the brain), which did NOT show up on the two previous CTs (and likely hadn't even formed yet when they did it). It was NOT thank god, bad enough to where they needed to open her skull. They did drill a hole, and drained it that way. It wasn't in an outpatient OR which scared me, but they said if they did the burr holes and it was worse than they thought, they would be able to do a full craniotomy and get in there, without having to prep her further or switch ORs. Thankfully (!!!!) it was NOT any worse than they thought and they only needed to drill the one hole. Her ICP is fine and going down, and a post-operative CT did not show any more bleeds or that this one was more severe. There will not be any long term damage, though she'll probably have a head ache for a while. They stitched her skin back over the hole, and how they shaved that part you won't be able to tell they did anything. It's just a tiny, tiny hole.

I am calm now, but I was a flaming heap of MESS earlier. They sent her HOME. They said she'd be fine. I know these things happen, and again, this is not the worst thing that could have happened. So I am glad for that. But I don't know, it felt like a really cruel joke! I'm not sure when she will get to go home, they said it's all up to how she feels and further test results. They did say they are keeping her for at least two nights.


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