I continue calling prosecutor MattRoberts-did again today....at last word he said he needed to talk to Dr.Sandy-she assured me she HAS called him...I dont know whats the hold up in an arrest for the 7 little bunnies that came.
I now have one little eared bunny left and he is paired with "Momma" bunny(we call them Daddy and Momma) BUT we are OVERWHELMED with pets at this time and still have calls for more-I cannot take not one more pet in now....we still need good bun fosters and adopters(inside only) but I also have cats, guineas, birds-hamsters, rats-what am I missing-we are all species anyway...we actually just adopted out the horse rescued in June

Our Petfinder is not UTD(no time), sorry...
Many many fixed buns here though BUT....Right now one of MY bunnies from the first pair of bunniesever surrendered to CCR/recieved (in 2004-The MacADoodles-Sissy&BunnyMac) has been diagnosed and needs an EXTREMELY high risk surgery. I have had a total of 4 vets diagnose-the one in London-a very rabbit savvyvet that looked at Sissy's Xrays, again VERY very rabbit Savvy included agrees about the need for the masses removal-ASAP-and I also found a rabbit savvy vet in GrandRapids OVER my GP vet that I normally use after not being happy with her "diagnoses" of wanting to do "exploratory surgery" the day after the findings and not at least TRY medication therapy to decrease size of the 2 masses PRE surgery... The vet in GrandRapids has refered Sissy to a vet in Kalamazoo named Dr.Bozwell who is suppose to be an excellent surgeon and exotic vet. She is said to have tools other vets do not have and she also has done some miracle surgeries in places like areas of the lungs-that are/havebeen called by other vets literally"miracle-surgeries". My Sissy will be going to remove 2 extremely large masses in her abdomal area ASAP....
PLEASE PLEASE keep Sissy in your prayers.
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This is the image of Sissy's masses...Bunnymac will not fare well without his lovely wife and I will just IMPLODE...if something happens and I loose her...(I am NOT ready to go there and she is JUST 5-6 y.o.) ON A BETTER AND HAPPIER NOTE
The GrandRapids BUN rescue-we pulled it off though the Momma had babies again almost to the day of the rescue

( I have her 3 here from the first litter and she and that Daddy bun went to another MichiganRescue.
Here are some images
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In these you will see one of the bunnies that came WITH the "little eared bunnies"-she still has her ears-her nose was CUT OFF(we had the vet stich it back)...This is how she healed-still GORGEOUS A GOD GIVEN BUNNY!!!Also the last picture, the 2 BIG BLACK BUNNIES...that is the "MacADoodles"-Mr.&Mrs. BUNNYMAC AND SISSY back in the day...as younger beauties...