Hopping Through The Forest With Bunny Foo Foo

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I didn't think they would either Lisa! Its completely crazy.

I just watched The Lorax with my son and it made me cry! It was good. My son really liked it too, he sat on the couch with his cat for the whole movie. Then we ate some cream cheese wontons, which I learned he doesn't like.
He looks pretty nappy now, so maybe I'll be able to get some cleaning done! hahaa.

I'm going to make some bunny toys out of cardboard and maybe make some kind of cardboard house for Foo. I don't know yet.
This is what I do when I'm trying not to clean my house.
Foo has a new house with a hay barn attachment.
Her house is equipped with a sky light that she can get in and out of and a door to allow her to eat hay from the barn on the inside.
She hasn't gotten in it yet, but I hope she likes it!

whitelop wrote:
I didn't think they would either Lisa! Its completely crazy.

I just watched The Lorax with my son and it made me cry! It was good. My son really liked it too, he sat on the couch with his cat for the whole movie. Then we ate some cream cheese wontons, which I learned he doesn't like.
He looks pretty nappy now, so maybe I'll be able to get some cleaning done! hahaa.

I'm going to make some bunny toys out of cardboard and maybe make some kind of cardboard house for Foo. I don't know yet.

My husband and son rented that movie last weekend and watched it without me. Okay, okay i fell asleep, lol, but it got returned and I never got to see it! I'm a sucker for kids movies so now I need to talk my son into watching it again with me ;)
I love the barn and hay barn! How cute. The sign topped it all off. You know, in case Foo gets lost she has the sign to help her out ;)
Its really a beer box. You caught me Missy!
I only put something over the word LAGER on the box, then figured since I had something white I should write something on it. I figured since its a box of diapers attaching a 6 pack case to the side of it didn't look great! And the only other box I had was a...wine glass box.

BUT that is where the hay goes! So come down to Foo's Hay Barn and eat some quality hay!
whitelop wrote:
Then we ate some cream cheese wontons, which I learned he doesn't like.
I LOVE cheese wontons, but it's so hard to find the ones that don't have that wretched imitation crab meat in them :(

awesome box castle, I'm sure foo will love it!... and if she doesn't, my bunns would be happy to take it off your hands.
Imbrium wrote:
whitelop wrote: 
Then we ate some cream cheese wontons, which I learned he doesn't like.
I LOVE cheese wontons, but it's so hard to find the ones that don't have that wretched imitation crab meat in them :(

awesome box castle, I'm sure foo will love it!... and if she doesn't, my bunns would be happy to take it off your hands.
Yes, the wontons were good. I liked them a lot. They were pagoda brand, I got them from walmart in the freezer section.

And I don't think Foo likes her box house! She doesn't like it as much as I thought(wish) she would. Your girls may be getting an early Christmas present!
On the day I made Foo's her house she wasn't feeling great I don't think. She laid down most of the day and didn't eat very much. I gave her a salad and she didn't eat it right away. It took her a long time to eat three lettuce leaves.
So I let her out in the evening, she just laid on her dirty blanket and watched me. I put a huge salad by her and she didn't make a move. I even tried to tempt her with some pellets and nothing. So I gave her some simethicone and water, then put her and her salad back into her cage. She was normal the next day.
I think what is was, was turnip greens. She had been eating them for a few days and I think they didn't agree with her. They were a newer food, I had been giving her small portions, but that was the only thing new in her diet. So no more turnip greens or kale for her, it just doesn't agree with her.

I cleaned her cage out tonight and let her out with her salad. She hopped right passed the salad box and went for the dog's food bowl! She got in two kibbles before I got the bowl away from her. After I took the dog food away she went for the cat food bowl; I got that before she got any!
I'm not sure what is going on with her and the dog/cat food, but its weird.
I wonder if she's eating it because she misses the crunch of her pellets? I try to give her crunchy things to eat, like bits of celery and carrot.

Anyways, I'm about to start reading 50 Shades of Gray. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like it, because it will probably be gross, but I'm going to read it to see what the hype is(and clearly what kind of freaks america is made of!)
Maybe its the dog and cat food that upset her tummy? Poor Foo. She seems to have a sensitive tummy. I've never tried turnip greens with Archie and Agnes.

I read 50 Shades because of all the hype too. She literally is the worst writer I have ever read. BUT I went into them with the right expectations so I didn't hate them. I liked them okay but they didn't change my life or anything like some people have claimed, lol. But I also didn't jump on the let's hate 50 shades bandwagon because she was a horrible writer, copied twilight, bad fan fiction,etc. I knew all that so it didn't surprise me. Let us know what you think when you are done!
So I'm 9 chapters in and its horrible. My random ramblings about my rabbit would make a better book than this! She did copy twilight by making Christian so much like Edward, sans the vampirism.

There was one line in the book that sent me into uncontrollable laughter at 4am, i can't say it because its highly inappropriate; but i knew then that this was not going to get any better. I'll be done with by tonight or tomorrow probably so I'll be able to give my full review.
LOL.... I contemplated reading it so I know what everyone has been mocking, yet I have a feeling thats why the sales were so popular if it lacks substance....
whitelop wrote:
So I'm 9 chapters in and its horrible. My random ramblings about my rabbit would make a better book than this! She did copy twilight by making Christian so much like Edward, sans the vampirism.

There was one line in the book that sent me into uncontrollable laughter at 4am, i can't say it because its highly inappropriate; but i knew then that this was not going to get any better. I'll be done with by tonight or tomorrow probably so I'll be able to give my full review.

I couldn't stand her inner goddess!
Last week was a really long week. I barely read that stupid book, because its so bad. I haven't even finished it yet, because I really have no interest in reading it.
But basically, to sum it up for me; I think Ana is pathetic and Christian is broken. She is so obsessed with his looks, she can't see how broken he is. He is broken and strange and too old for his years and doesn't know how to have normal. Keep in mind that I haven't finished it yet. But I really don't think my views will change as I finish it.

As for Foo, she is so good! She has been out all day today and she hasn't peed outside the litter box the whole day! She has pooped outside of it, but thats normal. I have been so surprised that every time I go into the kitchen there is NO pee! Its amazing!
Her tummy issues seem to be better, she isn't getting turnip greens or kale anymore; so no more gas issues. She has been so good though. I found out that she likes green peppers, not red.

My dad is staying with us for a while, so he was cooking dinner tonight and Foo hid under her blanket because she didn't like the smell of onions and peppers cooking. Then he called her a rodent and told me she pooped too much on the floor. I told him she wasn't a rodent and she does poop but its normal. He's never been around rabbits, the only time he's seen Foo she has been in the cage but since he's been here with us, she has been out and he's still getting used to her.
But it really makes me mad when people call her a rodent and talk crap about her! Or rabbits in general. My FIL does it all the time and I just want to deck him.

Oh and my chickens have grown a lot of their feathers back, so no need for rabbit fur chicken sweaters!
I have very few family or friends that understand my buns. They think they are gross or that I'm weird. I dunno, sometimes I get hurt/mad about it and then sometimes I just don't even care what they think. I know it's harder and less common to understand and learn about what a rabbit can offer as a pet vs a dog or a cat. I feel "whiney" and silly sometimes trying to explain about rabbits to people. I wish people could just understand but oh well, people have different viewpoints I guess.....
it kinda baffles me that anyone can look into a rabbit's sweet, adorable, trusting little face and not just "get it". my next door neighbor took one look at my girls when I brought them home and fell in love (with Gaz, especially) - she's been impressed/surprised by things I've done for them, like giving them my whole living room, but has never thought I was weird for caring so much.
Yeah. My family didn't get it when I first got Peter. They were like oh rabbits are stupid blah blah blah, then when I got him neutered it was like omg really you're going to spend that much on a rabbit it's probably going to die in two years blah blah blah..... After they saw how litter trained and intelligent he was they all started to love Nim and now they like bunnies a lot so when I found Phoenix it was a no brainier that they all told me to keep her :)

The thing that I hate is that people love the animals once they're well trained but they don't want to put the time and effort forth to train them and work with their behavior issues :/
I guess its because my dad has never been around rabbits like this, and he's probably never seen a house rabbit that has free roam of a room. Hell, if I knew she wouldn't chew all my wires and would poop in her litter box, I would let her have free roam of my whole house.
Sometimes even my husband says stuff about her. Its the constant poop I think. We actually had the conversation the other day about rabbit poop. I grew up with horses and horse poop doesn't bother me at all. Its not gross, because they don't eat meat or processed food like dogs or cats. Since horses and rabbits have such similar diets, the poop is very similar, except in size. hahaha. I told my husband that I would rather Foo or a horse poop in the house rather than any of our cats or dogs, because their poop is dry and in balls. You can just sweep and/or shop vac that up, you can't do that with cat or dog poop.

Yes, we had a whole conversation about poop and I just relayed it to you guys. Speaking of poop, Foo's poop looked the best yesterday that its looked in the last 2 weeks, her poops were darn near perfect!

I just ignore everyone's comments about Foo. I think my dad just thinks she's weird and my husband is sometimes just an fluffybunnybottom.

Anyways, Foo's no pellet diet is going really well. She hasn't lost any weight, she eats a whole kitten sized litter box full of hay a day. I usually refresh it in the morning and have to refresh it at night before bed. This is the most hay she has eaten in her life! I mix the orchard grass, botanical and timothy together so she gets a good variety. Then she gets 3 or more cups of greens a day, normally about 3-4 varieties, so she gets a good selection.
Its been trial and error with the turnips and kale though. She ate a lot of kale when she was younger, but now it makes her gassy; same with turnips. I don't feed her any cabbage and she only gets the leaves off the broccoli, she likes those a lot and they don't give her problems. And I've had to almost take fruit out completely, except for her dried papaya. Fresh fruit bothers her the most, so I might get her some dried fruit to give her as a treat; which is only like 2-3 times a week at 2 pieces of died papaya at a time.
I thought it was going to be more difficult with the no pellets, but it really isn't. She seems as healthy as ever and so happy!