I guess its because my dad has never been around rabbits like this, and he's probably never seen a house rabbit that has free roam of a room. Hell, if I knew she wouldn't chew all my wires and would poop in her litter box, I would let her have free roam of my whole house.
Sometimes even my husband says stuff about her. Its the constant poop I think. We actually had the conversation the other day about rabbit poop. I grew up with horses and horse poop doesn't bother me at all. Its not gross, because they don't eat meat or processed food like dogs or cats. Since horses and rabbits have such similar diets, the poop is very similar, except in size. hahaha. I told my husband that I would rather Foo or a horse poop in the house rather than any of our cats or dogs, because their poop is dry and in balls. You can just sweep and/or shop vac that up, you can't do that with cat or dog poop.
Yes, we had a whole conversation about poop and I just relayed it to you guys. Speaking of poop, Foo's poop looked the best yesterday that its looked in the last 2 weeks, her poops were darn near perfect!
I just ignore everyone's comments about Foo. I think my dad just thinks she's weird and my husband is sometimes just an fluffybunnybottom.
Anyways, Foo's no pellet diet is going really well. She hasn't lost any weight, she eats a whole kitten sized litter box full of hay a day. I usually refresh it in the morning and have to refresh it at night before bed. This is the most hay she has eaten in her life! I mix the orchard grass, botanical and timothy together so she gets a good variety. Then she gets 3 or more cups of greens a day, normally about 3-4 varieties, so she gets a good selection.
Its been trial and error with the turnips and kale though. She ate a lot of kale when she was younger, but now it makes her gassy; same with turnips. I don't feed her any cabbage and she only gets the leaves off the broccoli, she likes those a lot and they don't give her problems. And I've had to almost take fruit out completely, except for her dried papaya. Fresh fruit bothers her the most, so I might get her some dried fruit to give her as a treat; which is only like 2-3 times a week at 2 pieces of died papaya at a time.
I thought it was going to be more difficult with the no pellets, but it really isn't. She seems as healthy as ever and so happy!