Hopefully Bonding Basil & Penny

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It may be the room. Things seemed fine while they were in my bedroom (except that I couldn't sleep). When I moved them back to the living room they started having trouble. Yesterday I moved them back out to their original room (sunroom). I tried putting them together but it didn't work out.

Maybe we'll try some car rides tonight and tomorrow night and see how those go and then on Saturday I may try putting them together again. I may try putting them together in the sunroom. I can shut the other animals out of that room well but it is still almost part of the living room so I can keep an eye on them. I'm hoping that since neither of them have been in there for 2 weeks it may feel a little more like neutral territory (and I just had those carpets cleaned on Monday so it shouldn't really smell like anybunny). If that doesn't work, maybe I will try my bedroom again. I just really like to sleep at night and Penny doesn't.One week seemed like a long time to have them in there.
Aww what sweet bunnies you have

Good luck with the bonding of those two....i know that when they do finally bond,they are gonna look so perfect together :D

I need to come up with a new plan for them. I think they actually like being together as long as they aren't together in "their room". They both have NIC cages in our sunroom and have separate run times but anytime they are together in that room, Basil gets all nippy and lunges at Penny. They lived together in my bedroom for a week but I couldn't sleep with them in there and moved them out to the living room and then Basil starting chasing and nipping Penny so I separated them. Now they are back in the sunroom in separate cages again but everytime they are out they spend a lot of time next to the other's cage. I just have to figure out where to put them and leave them together so that we can all live peacefully. :)
Just a quick update, they still aren't bonded. However, they do fine together in the car so I think it's just a matter of time.

Haley will be bunny sitting next week for me so maybe she will work her magic :):magicwand:

I'm ready to start trying again now that basketball season is over for my kids and I will have more time. My son and I built a nice cage in my bedroom this weekend so it is ready for some bonding sessions. I won't have time before my vacation, but I'm ready anyway. And I still have their separate cages just in case.

But, even though they aren't bonded, I had to post some new pictures. Penny is obsessive about destroying boxes and Basil is quite the snuggle bunny. I've really grown close to that little biting bunny. I can hardly believe that 2 months ago I was still wondering what I had gotten myself into by rescuing him. He hasn't drawn blood in quite a while so that makes it easier to love him.

The Basil & Penny Slide Show (my first photobucket slideshow attempt so I hope it works).

Aww that is so cute! I especially love the lastone of the three of you :)

I really hope I can bond them while they are here- that would be the easiest thing since you could just take them home bonded :)If not I'll just bond Penny to Biggie Max and sed you home with three :pJust kidding. lol

Im excited to have the buns here! Im going to snuggle that little Basil to death (as long as he doesnt try to bite me) lol
Haley, my husband would not be happy (but I'm secretly in love with Biggie Max from his pictures so I wouldn't be too upset:p.) They would look quite good together, wouldn't they?!
If not I'll just bond Penny to Biggie Max and sed you home with three :pJust kidding. lol
And your fingers should be safe unless you STOP petting him. Heloves attention.
They would make an amazing couple ;);)But poor Basil is such a lover he really needs a budd- if we can only get Penny to reciprocate the loving :)

Im excited to see the buns today! I'll be home anytime after 5 so whenever is fine.

Im going to have to try to keep from pronouncing Basil's namethe wrong way- we pronounce ours the British way :)
Im going to have to try to keep from pronouncing Basil's namethe wrong way- we pronounce ours the British way
I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think he's figured out his name yet. Before I got him he was called Kitty. He will come to you no matter what you call him as long as you look like you may pet him:D. And I agree, he does really need a buddy. I think Penny may need one too. Lately during her free time (after she has done her bunny 500's and explored) she comes and flops down next to Basil's cage. I haven't put them together since she started doing this due to me not having time to supervise, but it raises my hopes that they will bond. She's even been friendlier to me lately.

I won't get home until 5 p.m. and then have to gather up the rest of their stuff and get them in the car. The earliest I could be there would be 5:30 but I'll call before I leave home so you know when to look for me. I'm really gonna miss them. My house already seems empty without my dog. I took her to my sister last night.
I forgot to post here!

Basil and Penny got here last night! Kirsten and her kids (who are seriously the cutest/nicest kids Ive ever met) came over and got them all set up. Luckily I had cleaned out our spare bedroom so the two dont have to be in the same room with all the bachelor boys :)

Both are doing great! I let them out individually and then together and they were fine last night. They mostly ignored eachother butsnuggled together a little. Penny even let Basil in her cage and he ate some of her food :)

Today Basil was a little more snippy with Penny and kept getting anxious and trying to nip her. So we'll try more bonding again tomorrow :)

PS. Basil's fur is like velvet. I forgot how much Ive always wanted a minirex!
I hope Basil gets over the snippy thing. He must have really settled in now. That's how he acts at home too. That is why I separated them again.

Basil's fur is lovely but he personality is not always so. I hope he hasn't bitten you yet Haley:p He can be quite a brat!
Nope, he hasnt bitten me yet but he's gotten close! I have been having to let them out separately since Basil keeps being overly anxious towards her. Im going to try this week in a pen in a different room. I think Basil might have started to think of the room as "his" :)

Both are doing great though. Penny is shy but lets me pet her a lot when shes out. Both have been great about using the litter boxes- except Penny decided to dig in the one I have in the run area today. lol.

Hope youre having a fun time in Florida! I'll keep trying with the bonding this week. :)
We are back from Florida and the Penny & Basil have settled back in to their routine here after a fun week at Haley's (Thank you Haley!). So, now that we are back to normal and have some time, we are starting the bonding process again.

The last couple of nights I've had two short 15-20 minute sessions in the bathroom with these two. I wanted to end them before Basil got all anxious and snippy. I've taken to smearing their heads with banana. Basil will lick it off Penny and Penny sits hunched there and doesn't move. She won't lick him at all. Tonight she actually explored a bit and groomed herself a bit but ignored the banana on Basil.

Honestly, I was thinking of just giving in but was reading tundrakatiebeans bonding issues and Haley gave me some hope with her comment on how long it took Max and Basil to become friends and they are so cute together now. Although sometimes I wonder if Penny thinks I'm crazy and to just leave her alone and stop subjecting her to this crazy rabbit.:craziness

Haley wrote:
I did 3-4 sessions a week for about an hour each time when I bonded Basil and Max. They went from mortal enemies to best buddies.

Yeah Basil and Max hated eachother. It really took a lot of patience to bond them. The only thing that I noticed with Basil and Penny that made me weary is that Basil never acts like youre the one in charge (at least with me). With Basil and Max they both deferred to me so much and both had a strong bond with me. When they bonded I was convinced it was just to make me happy. But I really wouldnt give up just yet. Try some car rides and have a squirt gun handy for Basil when he is a bad boy. Hopefully eventually he will learn that he can hang out with Penny without expecting her to be as needy of attention as he is. lol

Heres some pics I kept meaning to post from when they were over:

Basil in his favorite spot:


Penny relaxing on her bed:


Checking eachother out:



Partial snuggles:


I think they just need some more sessions, Kirsten ;)

Oh and PS Basil was using that small blue dish for most of the time (because the big red dog bone shaped one was too big for his cage) and he didnt tip it at all!


Finally, they are living together as a bonded couple!:D Today is their one week anniversary of living together full time. After many dates, false starts, etc. this is it. They groom each other, eat together, play together and I'm 99% sure this time it's for good.

Benefits I've noticed for having them bonded include:

1. Basil uses the litter box!!!!!! No more cleaning up pee from the cage floor. He must have been doing that when he lived next to Penny to mark his cage.:woohoo

2. They both seem a bit more relaxed. Basil doesn't freak out when the dog comes in the room and maybe it helps that Penny and the dog get along great.

3. Big for me but they don't care - They are in my bedroom so I don't have to air condition my sunroom which has really bad windows and lots of them!

Not so great things:

1. I have to pet two rabbits at once because they get so jealous.;)

2. I have a harder time telling how much Penny is pooping. She tends to use the litter box more for that than Basil though so I know she still is and she's eating fine. Just a bit harder to monitor with two together.
YAY! I am so happy for you! They make sure a cute pair.

Its great that Basil is using his litter box more. That will make things a lot easier on you! As for the poops, I have trouble with that too in my bonded pairs. Especially since all mine are relatively close in size so I cant distinguish whose is whose. The main way I have to tell if someone is "off" is just by attitude- I keep a close eye on them for anyone not eating or being lethargic. So far its worked ok.

Im so happy for you guys and I hope they continue to be best buds. We need more pictures too!
Thanks all for the congrats! It was so easy this time around. I guess they were just ready after all those past attempts.

Penny & Basil's thoughts on the matter:

  • It's about time we get to live together. And, it's about time we are in the MASTER BEDROOM because, after all, we are the MASTERS here.
  • The bedroom is so cool, temperature wise, and lovely and full of very fun things. Here's some things we've noticed about the move.
  • Curtains are more fun than toys!
  • Closets are full of lots of great hiding places and sometimes we can pop out and scare our slaves when they don't know we've gotten into the closet.
  • Mom freaks out if you crawl on the scale thingy between her feet and the numbers go higher :)


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