Hope has the teenage blues?

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Aug 16, 2019
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hello everyone
My little mini lop rabbit Hope is displaying some challenging behaviour. She is let out her cage several times day and I have just purchased a collapsible dog playpen which she enjoys playing in when out of her cage.
But she has been ripping her newspaper in her toilet in the night and so when you come in the morning her cage is a soggy mess. She also has two pink nipples spring up recently. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem with their bunny. I'm thinking we need to get her done.
I have no experience with this, but this is perhaps a false pregnancy? Tearing the newspaper may be best building and perhaps the nipples are gland development? I'm using this as a reference: https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/False_pregnancy

It sounds like your rabbit is not spayed (based on your last statement), so I would recommend doing so when you find an experienced rabbit vet.
I have no experience with this, but this is perhaps a false pregnancy? Tearing the newspaper may be best building and perhaps the nipples are gland development? I'm using this as a reference: https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/False_pregnancy

It sounds like your rabbit is not spayed (based on your last statement), so I would recommend doing so when you find an experienced rabbit vet.
Hi John
Thanks for the info. I hadn't thought of the false pregnancy thing so thanks for that idea. I think you may be right.
We are going to get her spayed at the animal hospital at the rabbit clinic at some point in hopefully the near future.
Hm, I would say you don't have a problem - you've got a completly normal rabbit. Some enjoy digging, shredding etc., some less. Neutering helps with a lot of things, but they still can enjoy a digging craze. I thought spayed girls would dig less, well, Dotty doesn't share that opinion, and now even my buck joined in excavating

About distributing the contents of the litterbox - a grate above the litter might help.

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