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Sure you replied!!!

Yeah, we know ya'all are just lazy! ;):p

j/k - we've all been super busy so I imagine a lot of threads got missed for comments.

I'm just so happy Michelle is with us again!

Now if we could manage to get some photos out of her we'd be in real business!!!

Some photo's of what? I've got some of my single friend James, he's looking for romantic beach walks and a lady who doesn't mind a guy who still lives with his parents...:p.

I've been away again for New Years, had a fun time! Hope you guys had fun new years too :D.
NZminilops wrote:
I've got some of my single friend James, he's looking for romantic beach walks and a lady who doesn't mind a guy who still lives with his parents...:p.
Hmm... Quite a few years back, i'd say, 'Yeah, bring 'em on!!'A few years back, I'd say, 'Are they rich?'

Now, it's..."Do they like rabbits?"

or better yet... "Got room for a rescue?"

NZminilops wrote:
I've been away again for New Years, had a fun time! Hope you guys had fun new years too :D.

Glad you had fun! :D

I was sick. :grumpy:

s :biggrin2:
Oh boy! sounds like a real CATCH living with his mama and all LOL!

We miss you, and you need to stay home for a week or so! ;)
He's got a good job and two cars :p, unfortunatly he's rather beanpole-ish and has severe buck teeth :shock:. But he's really nice. We dated when we were about 12 for about a week.

You guys are so funny! I was just eating some chocolate and managed to smear it on my nose from coughing laughing and eating all at once.

I keep hanging around RO for ages, just feel funny about posting, not sure why :?. Part of this depression stuff I guess. I have some paranoias about people talking about me behind my back and it's getting annoying, I'm trying to deal with it. I keep thinking that when I say stuff people will laugh at me :shock:. Even if they were, I shouldn't worry about it. So then, someone tells me the other day that I sound schitzophrenic and reccomended electrocution as a form of therapy :?. And then I talk aggressivly to people and not mean it, because I'm so stupid and defensive.

I've been doing a lot of gardening, finding it very calming althought I was sweating like a pig outside in the sun today, phoar!

I'm having a problem with Mat that I don't know if it's appropriate to post about on RO or not, but he's got a playstation 3 and on it he's been messaging this girl. I'm fine with that, everyone needs opposite-sex friends, but I found out she is only 13 and he's said some innapropriate things to her on there :(. Nothing heavy, just kind of flirtatious and goofy. It really bugs me! I brought it up with him and he got nasty about it, and says in return "I don't stop you from talking to Leanne (Spring) on the computer and she's young!". He just doesn't get it. I wouldn't even want to talk to a 13 year old boy, it's disgusting to me! For a 25 year old, it's just wrong wrong wrong. His neices are that age :X. I spotted him sending a message saying "It turns me on" and checked up to see what they'd been saying, and his previous one was about how awesome his stereo was. Isn't it weird?! It's not good right, I'm not alone in thinking this?

NZminilops wrote:
He's got a good job and two cars :p, unfortunatly he's rather beanpole-ish and has severe buck teeth :shock:.
You just described my husband. :shock: Except hehas acrooked tooth,not buck teeth. I find that endearing! Mind you I married him 'cause he had thekey to the pinball machine. (Pre-computer games beyond PacMan). ;)

NZminilops wrote:
You guys are so funny! I was just eating some chocolate and managed to smear it on my nose from coughing laughing and eating all at once.

Pics!! :camera

NZminilops wrote:
... I have some paranoias about people talking about me behind my back and it's getting annoying, I'm trying to deal with it. I keep thinking that when I say stuff people will laugh at me :shock:.
Well if everybody only talked to your front, you wouldn't have much of a stake in the world, that spells 'no one cares' and'you'redull asdishwater'. ;) And yeah, we laugh at/with you, you're a hoot!
... someone tells me the other day that I sound schizophrenic and reccomended electrocution as a form of therapy :?.
I should introduce you to George, get up close and personal with a REAL schizophrenic. And man, if electrocution is a form of therapy, I'm handing him a knife and the toaster.
I've been doing a lot of gardening, finding it very calming althought I was sweating like a pig outside in the sun today, phoar!
Do pigs sweat? (Have to ask Zin about that one). And yeah, rub it in that you've got HEAT andSUN. :grumpy:

NZminilops wrote:
... I found out she is only 13 and he's said some innapropriate things to her on there :(. Nothing heavy, just kind of flirtatious and goofy..... I wouldn't even want to talk to a 13 year old boy, it's disgusting to me! For a 25 year old, it's just wrong wrong wrong. His neices are that age :X. I spotted him sending a message saying "It turns me on" and checked up to see what they'd been saying, and his previous one was about how awesome his stereo was. Isn't it weird?!

I actually believe in baggism... which is why I took to the Internet way back in the stone age, pre-pics and profiles. You were a font. Nobody couldpre-judge you by sex, age, race, looks or shoes. You were relating only to people's minds (and fingers). Spring, Matt/Bunnydude, Greta... they were all very young with no one realizing it at all. :)

Of course that said, Mat's probably talking to a 13-year-old all right --undercoverwith a mustache, a gun and a badge. ;)

And hey, if you can't impress a 13-year old, who can you impress? It's a big temptation to do a little showing off.

I'd take it with a pound of salt, some tolerance and a little humour, but remind him in that fashion that the kid's mother, father, teachers, counsellors and local police force will automatically take a very dim view of any suggestive jesting, no matter how innocent. :shame

Happy NewYear!

s :hug1

Thanks Sas, how do you do that? Always manage to make things seem only half as bad as I thought they were :hug:.

I'm still not exactly sure what to make of it, just playing things my ear right now. Obviously I'm still not happy about it, but, just not sure if I'm making it seem worse than it is or not.

He's still his same self otherwise. We went shopping the other day for underwear and he was happily searching the racks for bras for me, hehe! I thought that was nice. Then the size he picked out was about 2 cups too large and 5 sizes too small around the strap area, how flattering:wiggle. We had an awesome time away for New Years. He's been on holiday and had his first day back at work today, and called to say he missed me this morning (then asked could he please have steak for dinner :nasty:).

The thing with him is he has a bit of a potty mouth, with pretty much anyone he feels relaxed with. Sometimes he says the most naughty things to me when he sees me chatting with Crystal on MSN! very funny but quite rude. I'm begining to think that's just the way he is perhaps. You want to hear he and James when they get going! It's like having your ear glued to the wall of a lockerfull of 15 year old boys. If he knows I'm talking to Leanne, it's all about "she needs to get herself a boyfriend, she's getting to be an old maid" etc etc.

You husband sounds cute Sas, I didn't know you had a husband. I love James to bits, he's my brudda from anudda mudda LOL! His living at home thing is a pretty smart move on his bahalf really. His dad and he are going halves in a mortgage together buying a house a bit further down the country, they don't charge him for food or board and his mum makes his bed and washes his clothes. Sounds good :craziness.

Enough blathering :devil
