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My husband is very religious andisdeeply involved in the church (non-denominationalChristian) asa trustee and youth leader.Stephanie and Matthew are also very active in the church, where myself,Ryan and oldest son Billy are agnostic. My interest in theBible rests primarily on the historical and humanitarian aspects and itit a well studied book in our household. We have a number ofBibles and refer to them frequently.
For your information, I also attended a private catholic college for 7 years (from high school to college).
Although I am not a believer, I think christian values are fine(mostly), otherwise I'd be a terrible person. I just think personalbeliefs are just that: beliefs, and personal. That doesn't mean oneshould be interested in what a buddhist or a scientologist believes.That's part of the "common knowledge" everyone should have. But whyimpose on a teacher that he/she teach a religion, in which he/she mightnot even share beliefs? That's what I meant.
Just like if I really want to learn spanish, I'll go talk to a spanish speaker person, not someone who barely knows it.
!hola muchachos! !Una cervesa por favor!