WOW wecan get Daves Insanity sauce here atthe local market , noshortageof it either ,
Warning!! anyone with heart problemsor Breathing problemsUSE caution!!! , do not applyto hands fingers mouth or noseIT will burn , I also shouldmention IF you should get it onyour hannds please washimmediately with any grease / oil cuttingsoap , if it gets into mucus membranes itwill burn to blisters , it isvery painfull .
One drop is more than enough in mostrecipies , My daughter had the hairbrained Idea to use 2 bottles to10 lbs of chicken wings ,needless to say even theheartiest couldnt eat thewings we ended up putting it inhte fireplace so as noanimal would get into it .
Warning!! anyone with heart problemsor Breathing problemsUSE caution!!! , do not applyto hands fingers mouth or noseIT will burn , I also shouldmention IF you should get it onyour hannds please washimmediately with any grease / oil cuttingsoap , if it gets into mucus membranes itwill burn to blisters , it isvery painfull .
One drop is more than enough in mostrecipies , My daughter had the hairbrained Idea to use 2 bottles to10 lbs of chicken wings ,needless to say even theheartiest couldnt eat thewings we ended up putting it inhte fireplace so as noanimal would get into it .