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LuvaBun wrote:
Tina, you are amazing - no other word for it (well, thereare several, but we won't go there ;)).

BlueMo0nz - your rabbits couldn't have a better home or family to go tothan with Tina and her lovelyfamily. -Jan
:angel::groupparty::bunnydance::ele::angel:Im so happy to get the rabbits. Thank you Bluemoonz.

Thank you so much Amy for telling me about this forum! I am so thrilled they are going to such a wonderful home!

You are very welcome Jeremy! I am going to miss these 2 so much so give them extra nose rubs and treats for me!

BlueMoonz, Ican't thank you enough.I'm so happy I can't stop crying andJeremy is running around with the world's biggest grin. Even Dale, myhusband,asked me all about them last night. He's happy toobut he's a guy and well you know...:p.

Jeremy said he will definitely be giving them tons of nose and ear rubs and some treats.

Please give them hugs and kisses for us. Thank you with all myheart for letting us take them in and giving them a forever home. Ithink you are wonderful.

m.e. wrote:
Tina,you are

She's absolutely OUT OF HER GOD LOVIN MIND!

The two are certainly absolutely Precious babies though. Lookat those faces!! You're right Tina. The one doeslook a bit like Fauna. That look melts me. They'reso adorable. You've certainly got a herd now!


LuvaBun wrote:
Tina, you are amazing - no other word for it (well, thereare several, but we won't go there ;)).

BlueMo0nz - your rabbits couldn't have a better home or family to go tothan with Tina and her lovelyfamily. -Jan
Jan, you are such a Sweetie. thank you so much. I think I cansay my bunny fever has reached it's limits. These two Punkins are goingto be my last rescues ntil we get the rabbit room done.

That was very sweet of you to say and it means so much. Thankyou. One day I hope to hug you in person but this will have to do fornow.


Carolyn wrote:
dajeti2 wrote:
Ithink I can say my bunny fever has reached it's limits.




You know I love you. We really won't have any more room afterthese two Punkins come for any new rescues. Dale and I are fullyenclosing theback porch and turning it into a room...theRabbit Room. So until Mitzy and Tinsel are the last newaddtions for a good while. I am tickled pinkk about them.

:disgust: Oh sure. Like there's a rabbit out there that you're not tickled pink over.

dajeti2 wrote:
LuvaBun wrote:
Tina, you areamazing - no other word for it (well, there are several, but we won'tgo there ;)).

BlueMo0nz - your rabbits couldn't have a better home or family to go tothan with Tina and her lovelyfamily. -Jan
Jan, you are such a Sweetie. thank you so much. I think I cansay my bunny fever has reached it's limits. These two Punkins aregoing to be my last rescues ntil we get the rabbit room done.

That was very sweet of you to say and it means so much. Thankyou. One day I hope to hug you in person but this will have to do fornow.


*Whines*...you get a rabbit room??? No fair, can i come see it whenit's done? **sobs** i wish i had a room full of rabbits.....lol, justmessing. That's great i really wish i had a rabbit room, sounds like acool place, lol..i'll have to make one of those when i get my own house.

We don't use the back porch for anythingbut storage so we figured why not. This way I can leave the door openand the a/c on for all the bunnies.

As soon as it's done you are more than welcome to come check itout and you have to stay for at least a few rounds of Play Time.

dajeti2 wrote:
Dale and I are fully enclosingtheback porch and turning it into a room...the Rabbit Room.
(EDITED TO ADD: Pictures are clickable for closeups).

This really is such an awesome idea - I LOVE LOVE LOVE our bunnyroom. The bunnies seem to love it too because they can playfor long periods of time. Right now I have bunnies on 2 1/2walls...well...it's hard to explain. Let me see if I canshare my pics here:

This is on the left side of the room - notice the play area underneath?

This might give a better view of that play area. Tiny's cageis at the far end of this setup. Oh yes, the windows aren'tin direct sunlight because we have a covered porch out there...

This is on the right side of the room when you enter. We mayput another play area for babies under these tables too...

This is a better view of the corner of the left side of theroom. I'm actually going to stack cages 2 high on the tablesand then either have cages under the tables or the play areas like yousee ina picture above. I'm still in the process ofworking things out.

Of course I hope to be breeding lionheads too...but I've been figuringout my cage space and rearranging things so I'll post better pictureslater.


Very cool.With the huge cages I haveright now space is in short supply. Apollo's is 4'x'3'x2' and the Girlscage is 4'x3'x3'. I took out my kitchen table to make more room. TheNibblet's cage is in the living room as will be the Punkins.

I am downsizing the cages because everybuny gets about 9 hoursout. I've wanted a rabbit room forever and now I can do it. I amlooking forward to getting it done. I'm going with a garden theme.Nothing goes better with a garden than bunnies.

dajeti2 wrote:
I am downsizing the cages because everybuny getsabout 9 hours out. I've wanted a rabbit room forever and now I can doit. I am looking forward to getting it done. I'm going with a gardentheme. Nothing goes better with a garden than bunnies.


Yes, my rabbits have smaller cages because they have so much time out of the cage.

I'm ROFLOL about your garden theme. You see, I have MaryEngelbreit "Garden" wallies that I'm going to use in the room todecorate it once I get it painted. So I was planning on goingwith a garden theme too for my bunny room!

:highfive: :yes:

I'm thinking of doing the room a light yellow or green andthen putting the wallies up. I got themfrom Ebay.

Tina and Peg : Iwasnt going to put thisinthis thread , buttalk about stacking cages gotme a bit worried , Peg I amseeing cages stacked on top of each otherWITHOUT stabilizer braces , ( like the 4 and 6cage Nucks have ) Personally IfI was going to put one cage on top of the other, nomatter how much different insize,I would Braceit down In case some bun gotrambuncious and walked it offthe edge and crashed itto the floor . I have seen crittersas small as my Rats walka cage off another cageand crash to the floor, those that survived the fallwere a horror show to catch , Thisis a personalOpinion and a personal experience, But an ounce of prevention is wortha pound of cure.
Gypsy, I have these brackets that anchorthe cages to the wall. It means the cages won't be moved withoutremovingthe anchors. I have fears of that very thing. Athenaand her cage almost fell off the table I had her on. I moved her cageto the floor too. After Apollo's concussion it scares me evenmore.

Thank you so much for bringing it up though. See you are always thinking.

Thanks Gypsy! I am getting thestabilizer braces next payday (when I pick up the otherbunnies). One of the cages you saw stacked was empty and theother one was in a corner and I was testing the idea of stackingthem. Until I get the braces, no cages are stacked on top ofeach other - well, Kyo's is on top of Tiny's cage but Tiny's cage isabout twice the size and Kyo is in a corner so the cage can't move.

But what you were seeing was a picture I took while I had things set upas a "test" to see how things would work! It's not that waynow...

Thanks TinaAnd Peg you both made me feelso much better , I have had theunfortunate experience with stackedcages and trust me when i saythere is nothing harder to catch than a frightenedinjured animal , no matter how bigor how small , Not toforget to mention when scaredor injured in such manner they donot nip THEY BITE to the bone , Thank Youboth again for putting my mindat ease .
Gypsy, I'm glad you brought it up.Others may not know or have given it mush thought. You made alot of usaware of the dangers.

The Zoo Crew all want to say...

Thank you Auntie Gypsy! :hug:


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