Holiday Card Swap

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SOOOSKA wrote:
I got April's card today. It's so cute. What a cute face and bum.:biggrin:

Thanks a Bunch


Oh this just cracked me up! That's actually Trillian's face, but she's so black she doesn't show up very well in pictures! Guess I should try using a flash so it doesn't look like she's mooning everyone! :laugh: You're welcome Susan, and thanks for your card too!!

Friday I got Brandy and Shiloh's cards, and today I got Kim and Gina's cards. Thank you to all, this is really fun :biggrin2:
OMG April, i'm sorry, poor Trillian. Now that I looked closer I can see her face.

OMG I'm so embarassed.

Shiloh, yours came today!! :D

I've also gotten April's (I could tell that was a bunny face! LOL. Black rabbits are hard to photograph!), Gina's (LOVED the them all in tinsel, so cute!) Kim's (shoulda known there'd be polar bears involved somehow haha!), and Alma's (I have special plans for the wall decal!. Thank you all SOOOOO much, I'm loving all of the cards so far! I'm trying to think of an interesting way to display them all. :)

Mine should start arriving soon! :D *dances*
Ha, I thought it was her butt at first too but realized it was just a really dark picture! It would have been funny if it was her butt. Who doesn't like bunny bottoms? They're so cute and fluffy and have the most adorable tails.
Got April and Kims card today, added them to the collection on the fireplace! It's getting bigger!
No cards today! But now I need to start doing up more cards for family *sigh* Callies going to be choked. I wish they made glitter stamp ink....
Watermelons, use Elmers glue instead of the ink pad and then glitter the glue print!

(Hasn't done that before... *looks apologetically at the dog*)
SunnyCait wrote:
Watermelons, use Elmers glue instead of the ink pad and then glitter the glue print!

(Hasn't done that before... *looks apologetically at the dog*)
*blinks* I dont think that would fly... at all... She barley put up with the ink pad, at least that was just placing her paw on the pad, then on the card. She would never speak to me again! Nevermind trying to wash her paw off after :p

Got Marisas card today.
I got Marisa & Tobias beautiful card and picture,

Brandy's and familygreat card,

Kim's & Laylalovely card love the Polar Bears


Shiloh beautiful puctures.

got them yesterday Thursday.


The cards are arriving and are they ever cute. To anyone that missed out, really sign up next time. I know that some are apprehensive about giving out their addresses but if anyone wants to stalk someone else, Benjamin and I are stocking up on veggies and litter boxes and waiting by the front steps with open arms. Merry Christmas to all of the online bunnies and mommies that missed out.
Got Shiloh and Brandys cards today :) Think Im just waiting on 1 or 2 more!

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