April and Susan, are you still at the same addresses? If so, I still have your addresses and have added you to the list Kmaben, I sent you a PM. Sign ups are open until November 14, so you are in no way too late.
I bought my cards today! I was going to make my own but Omar said I couldnt buy not one more stamp or paper or "glittery thing" that I had enough. He's a poo poo head anyways :grumpy:
I still dont know what I'm going to do for cards :'( at this rate you're all going to end up with construction paper that had dried macaroni glued to the front!
I'm fine with that! I have a bunch of holiday cards that were in the dollar bin from a craft store (Michael's, dunno if you have a similar store chain up there) (well, of course you do, but you know what I mean) that I was going to stamp more stuff on. It's nice that they come in 4-packs for $1 so I have a little variety
I usually either mak my cards or have photo cards made and this year I think I'm oing to be lazy and have some made so I think when I order my family cards I am going to order bun cards too.