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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
Buffalo, New York, USA
Im kinda worried about Shadow usingcat liter he has for awhile now and Ive noticed the more he digs themore dust and the smell or the liter stays in the air of my whole room.Im worried about chest problems for me and him lol not just him. So Iwas wondering bc I already get shavings for my guinea pigs and it wouldjust be easier and cheaper for me to use em. Now would it be ok forhim? And do you think he would take to it? I was gonna try replacinghis playpen liter box first to see if he still uses it outside his cageor not. WHat do you think?
Is it clumping cat liter? If he eats the liter,this can cause a fatal blockage. Dusty cat liter can alsocause respiratory problems. What kind of shavings are they? Iwouldn't use cedar shavings. I know there's been adebate overpine, but I've used that all my bunny owning time, and never have hadany problems. I've also heard of lots of long time breeders that use itwithout problems- but that's just what I think.

He probably wouldn't have a problem with the liter change. If he doesyou could also just do a 50/50 litter type until he gets used to it.

Do you know if you have woodypet bedding near you? It's used for horses and I've heard great stuff about it. Very absorbant.

Clay cat litterreally isn't great for rabbits, as Spring mentioned, it's dusty and cancause problems when ingested.

Pine shavings are just as bad as cedar,and unfortunately, many pet owners don't realize that:http://www.afrma.org/rminfo2a.htm.If you'd like to use shavings, I recommend Aspen, as theycontainno harmful phenols.

Otherwise there are many kinds of littersyou can use, including the aforementioned Woody Pet:thumbup
Thnx for the replys...I dont recall what typethey are, but I do no that my local petstore wont sell the types ofshavings that are bad, they only sell Aspen and one other kind, eitherway its the kind I use for my guinea pigs so Im gonna try it tonite inhis playpen box and see how it goes andifallis wellI willchange it 2morrow or 2nite depending on how messy it is 2nite lol.
There are lots of options...why dontcha checkout the litter thread in the Rabbit 101 section of thisforum? (Also would be a great idea to check out eveyrthingelse the site has to offer there.)


You should also check out this one:

Lots of good information there.

And this one is about litter training:

Hope those help! There's lots there...and all very good!! :D

Oh, another thing...if you have a tack and feed place near you, you canbuy pellet horse bedding, or pellet bedding called Woody Pet.Just make sure you don't use cedar...it can cause respiratoryinfections/problems. I bought a 30 liter bag for $7...GREATprice compared to other pet store beddings!! :)

These threads might help also (some were actually started by me):




Sorry to keep adding, but it's so cool to be able to read and learn somuch. There are so many types of litter out there: CareFresh(which we used to use until Flower came along and using litter for twobuns instead of one got expensive), Yesterday's News, Woody Pet, PelletHorse Bedding, some people use Wood Stove Pellets. There aremany options...some kinda expensive, some quite inexpensive.Another thing, when you switch, you might want to check what they toldme in this thread about how to switch:http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=13577&forum_id=1. :)

Let us know how things go! :D

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