when people arebuying them from breeders they are waiting until they are about 1yr,,,if they cant stand the smell anymore they do them around 8mths!!!
the rescues you had, you would have beenable to tell where they came from by their tattoo...if they had 2 dotsin one of their ears then it would have been marshalls, if there was anH, it would have been Hagen, if there was nothing it would have beenfrom a breeder!!
there is ALOT of talk about why ferts getalot of diseases, most farms such as Hagen and Marshall breed for massproduction and dont care about the welfare of the animals, Theresnothing proven yet but also Angora ferrets are less likely to get sickthen regualr ferrets!!
also pandas, blazes, albinos are prone todeafness,,,Squeagie is a silver mitt blaze and hes deafer than adoorknob!!
everyone has their own theory about thediseases but most studies are pointing towards the early spay andneuter!! and you CAN have anunpayed female and unaltered male if they are breeding,,a male can bekept without a partner without being fixed but he will start turningaggressive as hormones kick in and he will start leaving his muskyscent everywheres!!
a female cant be left unaltered, once theygo into heat they never come out until they are bred!