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New Member
Nov 5, 2009
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essex, , United Kingdom

Well i have a rabbit he's named Larsson he's 2 years old.

It was my SIL rabbit (She called him cookie) but she got a dog and didn't want him, so we took him in.

I don't know what breed he is, as she can't remember:?.

He had no jags and he looked overweight too me, she was giving a bowl full of pellets and a small amount of hay in this ball things.

I don't know where too start really, and how too care for my rabbit as much as possiable. i gave him now a handfull of pallets, his bedding is made up of hay and he gets a small bowl full of veg a day too.

He's a indoor rabbit, we take him out loads, when we're in the house, but he either sits there or trys too hide, i've bought him quite a few toys and again he doesn't play with them.

If anyone can put us in the right way i would be great full.


Hi and Welcome to RO :wave:

Would love to see pic's of your new bunny. :biggrin2:

I would start by giving him the right amount of pellets. Have the bunny weighed and on the pellet bag it should have the amount he gets. Example=I have a 4 lb bunny that gets 1/4 cup a day. Also the pellets should be a good quality. I use Oxbow Timothy pellets. Keep the hay loaded up. He needs unlimited hay everyday. Your giving veggies which is good too. :)

Congrats on your new bun! April
Yes he only does wee on his litter box, and does poo. But he does do poo all over the cage and when he's about the house, so which means i have too clean his cage out everyday.

To be truthfully it abit overwhelming, i've never had a rabbit before, and don't know if am doing my best. Like even a child he should be cared for by the upmost.

He's indoors, His cage is woodshaving and so is his litter tray, he wee on there and does most of his poo's but they are all over the cage which means i do clean out the cage whole cage once a day, in his wee house we're he sleeps i put hay down on it, for him too sleep and eat too.

Am just over worryed thats he's depressed, and worryed am not doing the right thing, as i said i've never had a rabbit and just using my common sense, i was thinking of getting him a other rabbit for company, but can they share the same cage ?? and i don't know what too do If anyone could point me in the right way.

thanks very much
Sounds like your doing everything right so far. I know there is certain wood shavings you can't use for rabbits but I can't remember what they are. Hopefully someone can let you know which ones.

If you think he's lonely,you could get another bunny but you can't just put a new bun in with him right away. You would have to slowly bond them. Putting them ina neutral area for small amountsof time and building the time up. Takes some work.:)
It would be best to get a female bunny. if you get another one. Male buns fight. It would be harder to bond males. Just to let you know. :)

I put cardboard on my bunnies floors of their cages and use "yesturdays days news" for litter box.

so i take thats alot better, as its costing me about £13 on woodshaving a week as i sil it has too be 3cm- 6cm deep but she only cleaned it out once a week and his litter tray once a day but i thought it wasn't being cleaning enough, as am cleaning out his whole cage everyday and putting in new woodshaving.
I personally wouldn't use wood shavings. I use cardboard, it's cheaper. and you can still put hay down too. The buns love to tear up the cardboard. It gives them something to do. I would just use litter in the litter box. It's up to you. You could try cardboard and if you don't like it change back. :biggrin2:

I just popped in to say HI and welcome sounds like u t doing a great job. Pictures would b great for us and also if your would put where u live on your profile that would also be great for others to help out too.
Hi! Welcome to forum! It sounds like you are doing great so far :) If you were to put cardboard or grass mats down you would only have to clean his cage about once a week. Just clean his litterbox everyday. I wouldn't suggest using wood shavings as pine and cedar (I believe those are the kinds) can be poisonous to buns. I use corn cob litter for my bun's litter box and it is great! It is dust free and soaks up odors and liquids very well :)
:helloand :welcome1to RabbitsOnline. I am glad you found the site. RO is a very active, friendly and helpful website devoted to rabbits and their slaves.

Here are some good links to areas of the site you might find interesting, the Library section, full of good reference info, Bunny Blog, where you can keep everyone up to date on your bunny and your life as a bunny slave and if you bunny would like to ask questions of other buns the Bunny Chat is the spot to be. The regional forum is a good way to find a rabbit savvy vet or to post places where you get some of your supplies for your bun etc. For the lighter side and to give you a chuckle or two stop by the go to the Let Your Hare Down section for anything but bunny's.

Here is link to the rules of the site, light reading Rabbits Online Forum Rules.

If you would like to post pictures in your post this link How to put photo's in your posts will help explain that.

I hope I didn't overwhelm you with info. This is a wonderful site and I look forward to seeing pictures and reading some stories.


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