Hi I am new to the whole bunny experience.

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There's a link in the above post entitled, "Cheat Sheet for RabbitCare" about how to sex your rabbit. Generally boys' privatesappear as a circle, while girls appear more like a tacoshape. You can do a search on the forum - (search box at top)for more posts about this topic.

Also would hope you read through the notes and check out the links andbooks listed in the Cheat Sheet. Rabbits are excellent pets,but there's certain conditions thatthey need to live underthat aren't always obvious when you're new to them.

Congratulations on your new Boss, Thumpy.


Found this post by Pamnock:

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For very young rabbits, the distance between the genitals and therectum is the easiest way to tell. Does connect very closely,where bucks have a littlemore of a space.

For the older kits, scissor the tail between your first and secondfingers and gently press in front of the genitalia to exposeit. Does will have a slanted "taco" appearance, where babybucks will have a tiny protruding round"donut".

Since it is very easy to bruise and damage the genitals, do take care in attempting to sex them at a young age.

Occasionally kits are mis-sexed even by the experts, so there's no wayto be 100% certain, even with older kits. Bucks with splitpenis (hypospadias) often appear to be does even up to 4 months of age.(The reason it is helpful to also observe the spacing between thegenitals and rectum).


The bunny is between 3 and 4 monthsold. My neighbor took a look at it and said it was a female.Anyway it really does not matter because I named it Thumper and Thumpyis its nickname. The name works for both male or female.
