Hi from BC Canada

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Aug 14, 2010
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Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Hello everyone. I moseyed on over here after finding the link on goosemoose pet forums. Goosemoose is a great resource for rattie care, but the rabbit forum is a little weak, so I thought I'd try this place out.

I actually decided today that I needed a good rabbit forum. I just lost my second young rabbit in the last year. I need a place to grieve for them, but I also have lots of questions.

Thanks for making a place for all us bunny lovers to come together!
Welcome, Tell us more about your bunnies :)

We'd love to hear about them. Also, you have any pics?


That's Scoot in front and Suki in back. This is from their first day home. We don't have any pictures of them grown up :( We thought we had so much time. Scoot is the one that passed today.


And this is Picabo Street. She passed last December.

We got all three bunnies from the same breeder. Two out of the three bunnies died young. Our pet store rabbit, who never had hay a day in her life and ate tons of toast, lived to be 13 years old. I don't believe in God, but if I did, I'm sure he would be laughing at us.

Pica and Scoot were both characters, to say the least. It's so much harder to let go of them, because they were so young. Scoot wasn't even a year old yet.

I don't know what we're going to do with Suki. She's never been alone before. Even when we had them spayed/neutered, we kept their cages side by side. And we can't even ever consider getting her a new friend, because she has pasturella. Unless we somehow, magically, find a rabbit who already has it AND they just happen to get along. Doubtful.

Now, about Suki. She's a sweetie pie <3 It's funny, because we initially decided to get two boys, because boys are supposed to be more cuddly, but after doing our research and talking to the breeder, we decided to get a boy and a girl. So, we picked Scoot because he was cute and a boy. We went to the breeder and she had three girls there and we decided to take Suki, just because they were housed together (she had the litters separated into twos). She was also the cutest <3 So he was supposed to be our cuddle bunny and she was supposed to be his playmate. Well, she turned out to be the cuddlier of the two! Scoot liked exploring you on his terms, but didn't like being held. Suki will never admit it, but I'm pretty sure she likes cuddles. And she's so... pliable, if that makes sense. She doesn't mind whatever you do with her. She lets me play with her feet and even her lips when she's being held like a baby. And if you sit her in your lap, with her bum curled under her, she'll play "patty cake" and throw out some wicked 70's dance moves.

She's going to be so sad from now on :( I wish today had never happened.
Why don't you get a new friend for her? You can bond them and she can be happy again :)

Just a thought.

Also, I am so sorry for your loss of your other bun's.
Unfortunately, she has pasturella. I think the chances of finding another bun with pasturella is slim. And the chances of them getting along seems even less likely. I'm not familiar with this bacteria, but I know it can't be cured and can lead to nasty consequences, so it seems like it would be irresponsible to introduce another bun to it.
Hi there and welcome..

I had just seen your Rainbow Tribute to Scooter and again i'm so sorry you lost such a sweet bunny..

Anyway ask all the questions you want...everyone is here to help :)
Pasturella can be fought with Baytril.. But depending on how advanced the pasturella is.

Hello from BC!
Are you familiar with the UVic bunnies? A bunch of us Vancourites have been saving the bunnies over there.. and now I have two island buns.
They have been on and off baytril, but it just keeps it controlled.

And yes, I am. I play field hockey at UVIC. The situation there makes me so angry. This has been a building problem for years. If they had started a speuter program earlier, then we never would have had this issue. But noooo, they ignored it until it got out of hand
Let me welcome you to Rabbits Online, my name is Dave and I am a moderator on the forum. So if I can be of any help please let me know. This is a terrific website for rabbits and their slaves, not only is it very active but also friendly. I am so glad you’re here and I know you will enjoy it.

Many bunny's recommend their slaves to this site so we may learn of others methods to keeping our furry masters happy.

If you everhave a sick bunny, please post in The Infirmary and include your rabbit's age, breed and health history as well diet and output details leading up to the problem.

I have listed some links I thought you might find interesting:

*For reference the Library section

*To brag or tell everyone about the antics of your bunny or just to talk about your day here is where to start a Bunny Blog, you can also look back at it later and remember when you had a life before your bunny.

*Now all the bunny’s like talk to each other when we mere slaves aren’t around in the Bunny Chat is the spot to be.

*Rabbits Online also has regional forums , this a good way to find a vet in your area that has experience with rabbits and to find out from other nearby of good sources of rabbit supplies.

The Let Your Hare Down section is for anything non-bunny related.

Here is a link tothat will help you and your bunny to connect, How To Bond With Your Bunny.

Now every forum has rules and ours can be found with this link Rabbits Online Forum Rules. This gives guidelines on what is acceptable, what is not and how we hope everyone will treat each other.

Everyone on this forum loves to see pictures of each other’s bunnies. So if you would like to post a picture this link will help you do that, Upload Photo's to Photo Gallery. Then in the post, you click on the "G" in the tool bar to insert your photo. Many people also use Photobucket. You just copy the img file and paste it into the post.

I am glad you have joined rabbits online and I look forward to seeing you around.
Thanks everyone :)

I do have a question. I still don't understand why Scoot died. I was wondering where an appropriate place to talk about his symptoms and find some answers. The infirmary seems to be a place to find help for current problems. Is it ok to start a discussion thread on this topic in there?
Hi Troter! Welcome to RO!

I'm so sorryabout your bunnies.

This thread has some information on differentillnesses and diseases thatyou might find helpful:http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=15737&forum_id=16

I don't know if it's okay to post your questions in the Infirmary. Probably if you used a title like "Why did my bunny die?" But it's often difficult to tell why rabbits die without getting a necropsy done. All you'd get are best guesses.

Hope that helps!


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