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LOL its so funny how easy it is to get 'obsessed'with a game. I was obsessed with The Sims for along time - I have allexpansion packs and before I had Alyssa I used to be on literally about8 hours a night .If onlyI had the time now LOL.I tell youcomputer games are almost as addictive as this forum.

i love the sims! i just...cant play it now cuz icant find any of the CDs...and i cant install my new expantion until ican find the livin large CD. i remember when i was like 10 my sistergot the hot date expansion pack. (she was 18). and i was curious why*i* couldnt have it. i love the sims.
LOLyou see what I mean about adictive!!I even had my own website about it and I made my own objects and putthem on the net. Alyssa is staying at my Mums tonight and Caitlyn isasleep - I think I might make the most of it and go on!

grr i wanna find my Livin Large CD so i caninstall my Unleashed expansionpack=( and you're not helping with your 'i think im gonna go play now' :p

by the way, how is Caitlyn?

Caitlyn's great thank you Dreamgal. The other nightI actuallygot 6 hours sleep. She slept from 1am to 7am - ahhhh bliss! Shesgetting bigger by the minute. We are having lots of smiles and coos -Still not managed to get any on camera though! She is so demanding nowthough - she wont rest unless she is with Mummy, thats why I'm offSimming it while I've got the chance. As soon as I get some new picsI'll post them!

How old is she now? i was babysitting myneighbor's 10wk old yesterday, and she slept the whole time except forhalf an hour when she was hungry. her 1 1/2 year old sister was nappingat the time. but she smiles, and my other neighbor's 15wk old isbelly-laughing now. babies are adorable :-D (still cant believe imbeing trusted babysitting kids that young)
She was 7 weeks yesterday. Aww belly laughing -cute! I'm just lucky I've got my little trooper Alyssa to helpout!I let her give her a bottle for the first time the otherday and Alyssa thought it was great! She thinks shes really grown upnow shes 3 bless her. Mind you some of the things she comes out withyou'd think she was older than that. I was teaching her to add up thismorning we got to 2 + 2 = 4 and then it got a bit confusing! Shes aproper little Matilda!

Great to see you visiting again, Aradon!



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