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New Member
May 25, 2010
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Tampa, Florida, USA
Hi there, my husband and I own a little Lop Ear called Handbanana Stamm-Ouillette (Aka The Smashing Machine). He is a very good boy but there is room for improvement in a few areas. Theone major issue we are having is that he knows to use the bathroom in his litter box, but seems to "enjoy" peeing and pooping on our couches. The other issue is that he likes to digthe carpet up from corners of rooms. Hopefully we can find a solution to these issues on this forum or find a trainer who can help. Thanks!

:big wink:
:)hello from me and my rexes. digging is very common bunny behaviour:X have you tried giving him something of his own to dig - telephone directories seem to be popular bunny toys on the forum:)
Welcome!! I have also found that my biggest boy likes to "dig" in a crumpled up towel on the floor. The rest of my bunnies seem to save their digging until they are in their outside run, but Uno likes to be challenging.
Let me welcome you to Rabbits Online, my name is Dave and I am a moderator on the forum. So if I can be of any help please let me know. This is a terrific website for rabbits and their slaves, not only is it very active but also friendly. I am so glad you’re here and I know you will enjoy it.

Its really the other way around, the bunny owns you, you don't own him.;) How old is your bunny? Getting him neutered might help with some of his behavior issues. Since your bunny likes to dig you could get him a cat litter box with extra high sides with some sand in it.

If you everhave a sick bunny, please post in The Infirmary and include your rabbit's age, breed and health history as well diet and output details leading up to the problem.

I have listed some links I thought you might find interesting:

*For reference the Library section

*To brag or tell everyone about the antics of your bunny or just to talk about your day here is where to start a Bunny Blog, you can also look back at it later and remember when you had a life before your bunny.

*Now all the bunny’s like talk to each other when we mere slaves aren’t around in the Bunny Chat is the spot to be.

*Rabbits Online also has regional forums , this a good way to find a vet in your area that has experience with rabbits and to find out from other nearby of good sources of rabbit supplies.

The Let Your Hare Down section is for anything non-bunny related.

Here is a link tothat will help you and your bunny to connect, How To Bond With Your Bunny.

Now every forum has rules and ours can be found with this link Rabbits Online Forum Rules. This gives guidelines on what is acceptable, what is not and how we hope everyone will treat each other.

Everyone on this forum loves to see pictures of each other’s bunnies. So if you would like to post a picture this link will help you do that, Upload Photo's to Photo Gallery. Then in the post, you click on the "G" in the tool bar to insert your photo.

I am glad you have joined rabbits online and I look forward to seeing you around.

Welcome to the forum! My rabbits did the same thing you are describing when they went through their teenage stage. They are both about 4-5 years old now and well behaved. If you are looking for ideas on how to stop the behavior, I would post a thread in teh Behavior and Nutrition area. There are a lot of great members with some great ideas. One thing that I found that helped was giving the rabbit lots of toys and boxes. I would put boxes over where they urinated so they couldn't get to the spot and then in spot they ate the carpet, I would put fun chew toys or boxes with holes in it so they would play and chew boxes and would leave my carpet alone!

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