Hey!! Pix of our rabbits like I promised!!

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Stunning rabbits! Rabbitgirl saidexactly what I would have said ;). They really look likePals. I can't really tell from the photo if the one actuallyhas "stripes" (indicating some Harlequin in the background) or if it isjust uneven surface color and maybe a Lynx Palomino. (The two acceptedcolors are Golden and Lynx). They look to be the same age andtype, so I am highly suspecting they are from the same litter.

Their mature weight would give us more of an indicator. Ifthey mature at 5 lbs. -- we could rule out Pal. The color ispresent in a number of breeds, but their ears and type indicate thatthey are not a small breed of rabbit.

Definately not wild and most certainly beautiful!

pamnock wrote:
Stunning rabbits! Rabbitgirl said exactly what Iwould have said ;). They really look like Pals. Ican't really tell from the photo if the one actually has "stripes"(indicating some Harlequin in the background) or if it is just unevensurface color and maybe a Lynx Palomino. (The two accepted colors areGolden and Lynx).

I am an idiot, Pam. lololol

I totally forgot about Lynx coloration.:p


Awwe bunnies in the snow, very cute. Theylooknice and healthy as well. My Ginny has a white tailbottem and feet bottems as well, they are so cute to watch when theyrun because you see the little white tail pop up each time they hop.Anyways very sweet pictures.
Yup, He does have a racing strip!!! o_O Holycow!! I thought that Was the neatest thing with him!!! I'm like WHOA!!!He's a car!! hehe

Yeah, they are brother and sister, she does have strips down her back,like black ones. I don't know what the mother and father were tho. I amso happy my Lilo is a Palomino!! He rhymes!! ^.^

Yeah, when they hop in mid air, and bound around the room, it is the sweetest and funniest thing

I will come teach bindy ;) all I did was chase Lilo around the room andplay with him on the carpet, whenever he would go off I would say noand set him back on it. Their cages are on the outskirts of the rug, sothey know they can only go in the cage, on the carpet, on our beds, andon the couch. (Tho lilo has an afinity with going under myroomates bed now :shakes head: )
Blueicebird wrote:
Yup, He does have a racing strip!!! o_O Holy cow!! I thoughtthat Was the neatest thing with him!!! I'm like WHOA!!! He's a car!!hehe

Yeah, they are brother and sister, she does have strips down her back,like black ones. I don't know what the mother and father were tho. I amso happy my Lilo is a Palomino!! He rhymes!! ^.^

I always loved the racing stripe too.:D

And the color, like a new penny.

Oh yeah, does Lilo drool? Bub does, when he's sniffing or chinning, and his dad did the same. Just curious.:p

Drool, no, but his noes gets wet sometymes and Itouch his face and get bunni boogars... But he is still young, so Iwill letcha know if he starts.. heh
New Pix Of the bun buns!

Stitch in her cage, lounging

Lilo Investagating a cardboard plate that was keepign him from going under my roomies bed:


Lilo Hopping about!:

And Lilo, resting in his bunny jail, he was being bad (shhh... o_O).

Oh goodness, those are just adorable buns!!! I was going to guess palomino too! They are just beautiful.

Rabbitgirl -- I'm in love with Bub. That is a greatcolor. Can I come "borrow" him for a while, just a littlewhile...(packing a bunny napping kit...)
