Warmest Welcome, Bunnygirl and Tiki!
So sorry I haven't replied sooner. Been quite busy and the board moves so quickly that it's hard to keep up with sometimes.
I love the name Tiki!! It's great! I would name my rabbit that any day. I think it's absolutely adorable.
Cats and rabbits should not share the same litterbox. I don't knowwhether you meant the cat was still around and the bunny and it couldshare the same box. Nope. Can't, if that's what you mean.
I do know a breeder that uses cat litter as her litter, but she has herrabbits in wire bottom cages and she takes the pan out from under themand pours the cat litter into the pan far away from where the rabbitsare so that they don't breath in the dust. Since the rabbits are inwire bottom cages, she protects them from the dust when pouring in thelitter, and their feet never touch the litter so as they could ingestit by licking their paws and taking out a stone or two from in betweentheir 'fingers', causing them the problems that Buck described, thenshe gets away with the cat litter fine. Since Tiki is able to use alitterbox, personally I would not use cat litter as I'd be afraid ofher ingesting it. I use Yesterday's News. I would feel fully confidentin using a product called WoodyPet Animal Bedding as Buck Jones usesit, it's cheaper, and he's used it for years without incident. I'm sureyou're aware by now that you should definitely stay away from cedarshavings.
If your rabbit is in a flat-bottom cage, (the urine and poops don'tfall through), you'll definitely have to stay on top of making surethat the rabbit isn't subjected to sitting in soiled litter, especiallyif your litter is pine shavings. You'll really have to stay on top ofthat daily if that's what Tiki has right now.
Sounds like Christmas in May for Tiki after your visit to the petsupply store. Rabbits do generally like a corner litterbox, or one witha higher back than front. Sometimes they'll lay in their litterbox.Nothing to be alarmed about. Some rabbits just enjoy it. Of course,it's another reason why you have to keep it tidy.
It's late in the evening and I really must get my rest. There's so muchmore in my mind that I could write about, but I have to stop here.
Glad to have you with us.