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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
HI everyone just thought I would drop by and intoduce myself. My name is Meg. I got a dwarf lop rabbit when I was 5 and she died earlier this year :( It was a very sad loss. But she got to live her days out with her beloved boyfriend (neutered) "Romeo" shortly after Romeo stopped eating and was pulling his fur out. Despite constant supervision and heavy vet care he died about 2 weeks ago. But as I always say "Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened". We have missed having rabbit soooo much and we decided that we would like to get a british giant rabbit to live in the house :biggrin2: along with our 3 cats, 4 guinea pigs and 1 parrot. We plan on litter training him/her (of course, accidents always happen anyway!) so she/he can have free range of the living room through the day but will have to be put in my room at night (still, it will have a space of 8ftx7ft!). Sorry for the long post!. Does anybody know of any rescue centers/shelters in the west midlands area? I think my mum will phone up the local RSPCA's tomorrow and see what bunnys they have.

Thanks, Meg. x
Hi Meg, welcome to Rabbits Online!

So sorry to hear about your losses:(. But it's great that you're interested in opening your hearts to another bunny. I'm sure that one of our UK members can direct you towards shelters and rescues in your area.

Hello & Welcome! I agree with bunnydude, one of our UK members will surely have some info for you. I'm so glad to hear you are going to give a rescue bunny such a wonderful home! Can't wait to hear all about your new bun :)
Welcome - Good luck in finding a new bunny friend :D
Hello, and welcome to the forum! I'm so sorry for the loss of your dwarf bunny and Romeo, but at least the bunny you'll get will have as much love as he can handle!:p

Luv-bunniz wrote:
Sorry for the long post!
It's not long at all:p!

*goes to search up british giant*
Thanks everybody. We just went shopping and went into PetsAtHome (Not to buy anything!) and there was 2 british giant bunnys in a glass encolsure with a lamp on them and it was only about 2ftx3ft. My mum really fell for them then, there was also an entire chinchilla male medium lop there at the adoption centre. He was adorable but my dad wouldnt let me have him and rescue a giant bunny, but there was also a couple looking at him so hopefully they will take him home :). They were selling the giant bunnys for £103 (like, $206!) :shock:
Wow, I can't believe the price of those rabbits you saw! That's crazy...

Anyway, welcome to RO! You probably can fine a nice rescue in the UK and save a bun. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

Good luck in finding your new bun. :bunnyheart
Welcome to the forum!

The two bunnies you guys saw, were they avalable for adoption? If so - the vetting and spay/neuter could very well explain the price for them.
Aww, so sorry to hear of your losses. I think any bunny would be happy to be in your loving home. Good luck with your search and we would love to see pictures when he/she arrives.
hi :welcome1

hope you find a bunny :)

or your new's paper or people that show's rabbit's you could ask your feed store it the know of someone with rabbit
:hello :welcome1to the RO Family!!

Wow...what a story. I'm so sorry you lost your sweeties...but LOVE your outlook on it: "Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened". I think that's really admirable, having that attitude about things. It's so hard to lose your babies like that...

Can't wait for you to have your new bun, though!:D Feel free to browse the Rescue Me! section, to see if there are any buns in your area that need homes, as well as checking out our Rabbit Rescue Orgs section in the Lagomorph Library, which is currently under a bit of construction, but hopefully you'll find a place in there that's in your area! :)

We LOVE pictures around here, so when you get your baby, feel free to start a Bunny Blog and tell us all about your sweetie pie! :)

Also, feel free to browse our extensive Lagomorph Library, which has all sorts of articles about just about every facet of bunny life! From health topics to just good bunny information!

So, pull up a chair, grab some coffee (or tea), and have fun! :)

Hugs to you!

Welcome so sorry for your loss.

Hope you enjoy it here.
Leaf - No they were the mill bred bunnys :(

Maherwoman - Thanks for all the links!

and last but not least - Thanks everyone for the welcomes!
Hi and welcome! Thanks for sharing your story. It was very touching. We have a few members from "across the pond" so I hope they'll be able to help you find a giant!

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