Well-Known Member
HI everyone just thought I would drop by and intoduce myself. My name is Meg. I got a dwarf lop rabbit when I was 5 and she died earlier this year It was a very sad loss. But she got to live her days out with her beloved boyfriend (neutered) "Romeo" shortly after Romeo stopped eating and was pulling his fur out. Despite constant supervision and heavy vet care he died about 2 weeks ago. But as I always say "Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened". We have missed having rabbit soooo much and we decided that we would like to get a british giant rabbit to live in the house :biggrin2: along with our 3 cats, 4 guinea pigs and 1 parrot. We plan on litter training him/her (of course, accidents always happen anyway!) so she/he can have free range of the living room through the day but will have to be put in my room at night (still, it will have a space of 8ftx7ft!). Sorry for the long post!. Does anybody know of any rescue centers/shelters in the west midlands area? I think my mum will phone up the local RSPCA's tomorrow and see what bunnys they have.
Thanks, Meg. x
Thanks, Meg. x