Hey Maherwoman....

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Oh!! LOL!! I almost didn'tsee this!! I can't believe you devoted a whole post to askingme for pictures...*blush*

Ok, ok...I'll get off my butt to check if we have film, and start shooting away! LOL!!

Oh man...hehe!!
Um...er...um...I mostly mean check to see if wehave another roll of film in the camera bag...but...er...um...if thereisn't another roll, yes we'll have to get film...and yes, that means Ihaven't taken any pictures yet. EEK!! I promise toget on it RIGHT NOW...

Here's the icon you probably thought of...which is kinda how I feel, too...hehe...


This one's me...:blushan
Nope, no scanner, but I get it developed on CD...so no worries!

The bad thing is, though, I seem to have misplaced our film!!EEK!!:shock: We'll go out and buy some here in the nextcouple days, though, and take the pictures, and have themdeveloped. :)
Buy a digital camera for Maisie and Flower whileyou are out - they sent me b-mail (bunny mail) and told me it was theirhearts desire to pose all day long and have pics posted on the netevery day!
Lol...wouldn't it be funny if bunnies learned email? I wonder what they would send to one another...

I really wish we could afford one right now...soon we'll just save upthe money to buy one. I get tired of developing stuff, evenwith it being on CD.
minilops wrote:
Buy a digital camera for Maisie and Flower while you are out- they sent me b-mail (bunny mail) and told me it was their heartsdesire to pose all day long and have pics posted on the net every day!

:yeahthat I think I got the same b-mail! They must be getting desperate!:shock:;)
LOL!! Oh no...they're forwarding it to all their friends!! EEK!!:shock::shock:

naturestee wrote:
minilops wrote:
Buy adigital camera for Maisie and Flower while you are out - they sent meb-mail (bunny mail) and told me it was their hearts desire to pose allday long and have pics posted on the net every day!

:yeahthat I think I got the same b-mail! They must be getting desperate!:shock:;)
maherwoman wrote:
LOL!! Oh no...they're forwarding it to alltheir friends!! EEK!!:shock::shock:

naturestee wrote:
minilops wrote:
Buy adigital camera for Maisie and Flower while you are out - they sent meb-mail (bunny mail) and told me it was their hearts desire to pose allday long and have pics posted on the net every day!

:yeahthat I think I got the same b-mail! They must be getting desperate!:shock:;)
Yup, they are! you should have seen B&B's inbox this morning...so you'd better give them the photo shoot they deserve! make it atleast 2 hours long or you're in for it! :D
Greta wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
LOL!! Oh no...they're forwarding it to alltheir friends!! EEK!!:shock::shock:

naturestee wrote:
minilops wrote:
Buy adigital camera for Maisie and Flower while you are out - they sent meb-mail (bunny mail) and told me it was their hearts desire to pose allday long and have pics posted on the net every day!

:yeahthat I think I got the same b-mail! They must be getting desperate!:shock:;)
Yup, they are! you should have seen B&B's inbox this morning...so you'd better give them the photo shoot they deserve! make it atleast 2 hours long or you're in for it! :D
peapoo and petey got the b-mail to:mail2! your bunnies must really want some pictures posted!

we want pictures!!!!!!!:waiting:

And Denise, that pic is PRICELESS!!!!
Oh man...LOL!!! You guys aretoo much!! Well, with all this, hopefully we'll get the moneytoday to get more film and get a whole roll of each bun onit! :):shock:
HEY MAHERWOMAN!!!! petey, peapoo, and i arestill waiting on those pics! the bunnies are getting impatienthere..lol...i dont know how much longer i can control them:shock:...they want pictures!!!
well..we finally got our pictures thistime:bunnybutt:...but dont let ittake that longeverever ever ever ever ever ever ever everagain:angryrant!!


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