that reminds me, brice is doing good, but he does sleep at a funnyangle, i got one shot of it. He still hops and jumps around, he evenkicks up his heals, but will attach his funny sleeping postion. Hesleeps with..well his top eye open, he is not this tilted in wakinghours, but when he sleeps he just leans into it. I plan to do somepictures this week.He is quite comfortable.. i am hoping toget a pic of him with cage door open, or on the floor sleeping, butwhen i move or open his door he jumps up to greet me LOL Brice saysthank you for asking how he is.How's Brice doing??
he's been off meds for months now, we do work onstretching the neck, but it's something he will continue to haveforever, he just learns every day how to live better with it. his earspoint to 2 o'clock when he is standing. when he was ill, his earspointed at 6 o'clock. interesting thing, for a least a weekwhen he was being trested we got rid of hisISS(intermittent soft stool) but have not been ableto reproduce that since.... funnyat any rate, Brice celbrated his 5thb-day june 15th.. and he's still going strong. he says thank you auntyC for the kisses.P.S. Is he still on medication? Do you still massage him all thetime?
the more exercise he gets and pratice of doing thingsthe better control he has... we once thought about doing accupuncturefor him, but he doesn't like the vet. when he was twards theend of his worst point head still very tilted i was kneeling on thefloor and we wanted him to hop for her to see his progress, he refused.instead he jumped straight up into my arms, quite pannicked. So then igot out the video camera at home and had to video his progress for her.Silly rabbit. And it's not being at the office that does it,because he was fine with one my coworkers, it's something to do withthe vet. maybe yet he wil improve his tilt, but I take joy knowing thatit is better than it could be. We have since "met" a couple buns whoare survivors of head tilt, one had it 2 years ago, and her head is wayworse than brices, but another we met his is only slightlytilted still 3 yrs later.. time will tell.That's amazing that you got his ears from a tilt of 6:00 to 2:00 and he's off medication. :shock:
I figured you'd still be massaging him.
Bless yours and his hearts. It's amazing what true love, determination, and dedication can do.
The both of you are such an inspiration to me.
Smart move to think of the video of him at home to show the vet.
I'm encouraged to hear that you know of others that have survived and who's head improved from the tilt.
My heart sank when I saw Tucker's head tilted one morning after hisweek-long battle with G.I. Stasis. I don't think I could stand to gothrough what you have with Brice. You never know what you're capable ofuntil it happens to you.
when you are pushed as far as you think youcan go, you can generally go at least a step further. Andtrue you never really know what you can handle and deal with untill youare pushed past what you believe is your limit.
cool glad to help, or inspireGabby wrote:when you are pushed as far as you think youcan go, you can generally go at least a step further. Andtrue you never really know what you can handle and deal with untill youare pushed past what you believe is your limit.
AMEN! I'm printingthis out and taping it to my computer desk. It will besomething that will help me get through one day at atime.
someone i know was trying to tellme it's cruel to keep him alive. But from ones I've met and himincluded he's adapted quite nicely, if he had no desire to live, hecertainly wouldn't have put so much effort into living. Andwhile it does look a bit strange to see him with a tilt, if he is doingok withit, why should it bother me. I heard a couple people cliam thehead can go back to normal, but i have yet to actually meet a bun who'shead is perfectly normal after. all so far are as you said stillslightly tilted at least...... Funny thing is I was sent a web site onlearning to deal with a tilted rabbit, when i had no problem it was theperon who sent it to me to had the problem with it, go figureIhave seen several rabbits that servived head tilt and the massage didhelp, none ever got their head completly straightthough.bluebird