My sweet, sweet Ashen died yesterday morning, or sometime during the night because I woke up and found him in his favorite spot, on his side, dead. About three days ago the vet said that he had a neurological disorder and we were going to bring him to a specialist. (He has had urinary incontinence for about two months, severe urine scald to the point where he ripped all of his fur off of his legs when I was on vacation) I had been bathing his bottom three times per day, he was on Metacam and Buprenex and some cream that I can't recall the name of for the last three days of his life. I spent every minute with him for those three days because the vet said that he would need me to nurse him back to health for about two weeks, and then he could live a normal life on meds though. On his last day, I was grooming him and he hopped onto my lap and started licking me. He loves to cuddle but he has never licked me before. He trusted me more than my other three rabbits combined, and he was my first rabbit (I got him 6 years ago). I miss him SOO much. I want to pet his head and give him banana. I want to tell him I love him one last time, I want to stroke his back and bathe him. I want him to lick me one last time. I can't stop crying, I want him back. He was only six and a half (He died on his half birthday) and it's not fair!! I love him so much, how do you ever get over the loss of your precious bun? I had no idea he was going to die, but he was in so much pain, he ground his teeth so much and slept most of his last day (July 4th). When I went to feed him on the morning of July 5th, he was on his side and not breathing and when he didn't take banana I knew he gone. WHY?! Why do they have to leave us at such an unexpected time? I miss him so much, I can't live my life without him. I've never lost a pet before, and I feel like a huge part of me is gone. How did you cope when you lost your bunny? :missyou