You just spoil that little one for whateverlength of time he has left. I am a sucker for older rabbitsin shelters no one wants and I have adopted a few. One was aJersey wooly girl never brushed in her life. They stupidly seperatedher from her female friend she had probably lived her whole life withand adopted her out to somone. This old girl was so sad. Ibrought her home and she bonded imeadietly to my Gizmo who had lost hisGF. At least the last year of her life was spent withplaytimes, bunny kisses from her bf, and delicate brushing pettingsessions she seemed to enjoy and ground her teeth during.
It depends how thin the boy is..I have seen old rabbits die ratherplump and other die quite skinny. I tend to notice the weightloss most in the shouldars and the back.