The Avatar is the picture under your name. Mine is Cali andSebastian posing as Beauty and The Beast. Yours isthe strawberry shake. If you click on the little picture Iposted for you of Buster, save it in your hard drive, then go to "MyAccount", "Avatar", find itin your harddrivewithvia the Browse buttonand replace it with thestrawberry shake.
I did reply; it must've gotten past you as well. See, ithappens to the best of us. I made you an avatar forLassie.
If I feel that the questions you've asked in some posts have beenanswered by the members of the forum, I don't feel the need to jumpin. It seems that your questions about shampooing yourrabbits, etc., were thoroughly covered.
Would agree that you might want to do a search of a topic you have aquestion about because chances are somewhere in this forum's history,there's some information about it. Couldn't hurt.